WXML:Number Theory and Noise

Sound Library

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OIES id description sound player download creator quarter tags comments
A000040 the primes download Penny Espinoza Spr2017 primes
A000040 the primes, starting from 107 download Penny Espinoza Spr2017 primes
A000040 the primes, starting from 108 download Penny Espinoza Spr2017 primes
A000040 the primes, starting from 109 download Penny Espinoza Spr2017 primes
A000040 the primes, starting from 1010 download Penny Espinoza Spr2017 primes
A000040 the primes, starting from 1011 download Penny Espinoza Spr2017 primes
A000040 the primes, starting from 1012 download Penny Espinoza Spr2017 primes
A000040 the primes, starting at 1020 download Penny Espinoza Spr2017 primes
A000040 the primes, starting at 1030 download Penny Espinoza Spr2017 primes
A000040 the primes, starting at 1040 download Penny Espinoza Spr2017 primes
A000040 the primes, starting at 10100 download Penny Espinoza Spr2017 primes
A000040 the primes, starting at 10200 download Penny Espinoza Spr2017 primes
A000040 the primes, starting at 10400 download Penny Espinoza Spr2017 primes
A001097 twin primes download Penny Espinoza Win2017 primes
A077800 twin primes, starting at 1010 (long sound file) download Penny Espinoza Spr2017 primes
A077800 twin primes, starting at 1030 (long sound file) download Penny Espinoza Spr2017 primes
A077800 twin primes, starting at 10100 (long sound file) download Penny Espinoza Spr2017 primes
A005384 Sophie Germain primes p: 2p+1 is also prime. download Miranda Bugarin Spr2019 primes
A002858 Ulam numbers download
A005101 Abundant numbers (sum of divisors of n exceeds 2n) download Nile Wymar Aut2017
A005101 Abundant numbers waveform built up from distinct subsequences. download Mrigank Arora Spr2019
A091191 Primitive abundant numbers: abundant numbers having no abundant proper divisor. download Mrigank Arora Spr2019
A005100 Deficient numbers: numbers n such that sigma(n) < 2n. download Nile Wymar Aut2017 comment
A000217 triangular numbers download Hannah Van Wyk Aut2016 polygonal,polynomial, quadratic
A000290 square numbers download Hannah Van Wyk Aut2016 polygonal,polynomial, quadratic
A000326 pentagonal numbers download Hannah Van Wyk Aut2016 polygonal,polynomial, quadratic
A000384 hexagonal numbers download Hannah Van Wyk Aut2016 polygonal,polynomial, quadratic
A000566 heptagonal numbers (or 7-gonal numbers): n(5n-3)/2 download Emily Flanagan Win2017 polynomial,quadratic
A000567 octagonal numbers download Hannah Van Wyk Aut2016 polygonal,polynomial, quadratic
A000124 quadratic sequence n(n+1)/2 + 1 download Emily Flanagan Win2017 polynomial,quadratic
A005891 centered pentagonal numbers: (5n^2+5n+2)/2 download Emily Flanagan, Jesse Rivera Win2017 polynomial,quadratic
A005901 quadratic sequence 10n^2 + 2 download Emily Flanagan Win2017 polynomial,quadratic
A005905 quadratic sequence 14n^2 + 2 download Emily Flanagan Win2017 polynomial,quadratic
A005914 quadratic sequence 12n^2 + 2 download Emily Flanagan Win2017 polynomial,quadratic
A010003 quadratic sequence 11n^2 + 2 download Emily Flanagan Win2017 polynomial,quadratic
A010004 quadratic sequence 13n^2 + 2 download Emily Flanagan Win2017 polynomial,quadratic
A001504 a(n) = (3n+1)(3n+2). download Joo Young "Jon" Kim Spr2018 polynomial, quadratic
A000125 Cake numbers: maximal number of pieces resulting from n planar cuts through a cube (or cake): C(n+1,3)+n+1, i.e., (n^3 + 5*n + 6) / 6 download Sherry Chen Win2018 polynomial
A002144 primes of the form 4m+1 download Jesse Rivera Aut2016 primes
A002145 primes of the form 4m+3 download Jesse Rivera Aut2016 primes
A000959 lucky numbers download Jesse Rivera Aut2016
A045954 even lucky numbers download Jesse Rivera Aut2016
A003309 Ludic numbers download Jesse Rivera Aut2016
A040040 averages of twin prime pairs, divided by 2 download Hannah Van Wyk Aut2016 primes
A100317 Numbers n such that exactly one of n-1 and n+1 is prime. download Aut2018
A000062 floor(n/(e-2)) download Jesse Rivera Win2017 beatty
A001951 floor(n sqrt(2)) download Jesse Rivera Win2017 beatty
A022838 floor(n sqrt(3)) download Jesse Rivera Win2017 beatty
A022839 floor(n sqrt(5)) download Jesse Rivera Win2017 beatty
A022843 floor(n e) download Jesse Rivera Win2017 beatty
A022844 floor(n pi) download Jesse Rivera Win2017 beatty
A277723 floor(n t^3), t = 1.839286755... download Hannah Van Wyk Aut2016 beatty
A000201 floor(n phi), phi=(1+sqrt(5))/2 download Jesse Rivera Aut2016 beatty
A001950 floor(n*phi^2) download Lisa Yan Aut2017 beatty comment
A003622 floor(n*phi^2) - 1, where phi = (1+sqrt(5))/2. download Pooja Ramathan Aut2018 beatty comment
A108587 floor(n/(1-sin(1))) download Hannah Van Wyk Aut2016 beatty
A038152 floor(n e^pi) download Jesse Rivera Win2017 beatty
A038153 floor(n pi^e) download Jesse Rivera Win2017 beatty
A001952 floor(n*(2 + sqrt(2))) download Emily Flanagan Spr2017 beatty
A000572 floor (n(e+1)) download Nile Wymar Aut2017 beatty
A003152 floor(n*(1+1/sqrt(2))) download Lisa Yan Aut2017 beatty
A003511 floor( n * (1 + sqrt(3))/2 ) download Lisa Yan Aut2017 beatty
A059535 floor( n * Pi^2/6 ) download Lisa Yan Aut2017 beatty
A047381 floor(n*7/5) download Lisa Yan Aut2017 beatty
A003151 floor(n*(1+sqrt(2))). download Robert Pedersen Win2018 beatty
A080081 floor(n*(3+sqrt(13))/2). download Robert Pedersen Win2018 beatty
A110117 floor(n*(sqrt(2) + sqrt(3))). download Robert Pedersen Win2018 beatty
A050504 floor of n log n download Hannah Van Wyk Aut2016
A248360 floor of 1/(1 - cos(Pi/n)) download Hannah Van Wyk Aut2016
A001614 Connell sequence: 1 odd, 2 even, 3 odd, ... download Jesse Rivera Aut2016
A045928 generalized Connell sequence C_{3,2} download Jesse Rivera Aut2016
A122793 Connell sum sequence (partial sums of the Connell sequence) download Jesse Rivera Aut2016
A033293 Connell-like sequence: take 1 number = 1 (mod Q), 2 numbers = 2 (mod Q), 3 numbers = 3 (mod Q), etc., where Q = 8 download Jesse Rivera Aut2016
A033291 Connell-like sequence: take the first multiple of 1, the next 2 multiples of 2, the next 3 multiples of 3, etc. download Jesse Rivera Aut2016
A006046 total number of odd numbers in the first n rows of Pascal's triangle download Jesse Rivera Aut2016
A078177 composite n with integer prime factor average download Jesse Rivera Aut2016
A070003 numbers divisible by the square of their largest prime factor download Hannah Van Wyk Aut2016
A054010 numbers divisible by the number of their proper divisors download Hannah Van Wyk Aut2016
A033950 numbers divisible by the number of their divisors download Hannah Van Wyk Aut2016
A246294 numbers n such that sin(n) < sin(n+1) > sin(n+2) download Hannah Van Wyk Aut2016
A277096 n such that sin(n)<0 and sin(n+2)<0 download Jesse Rivera Aut2016
A004084 tan n >0 and tan(n-1)<=0 download Jesse Rivera Aut2016
A070752 n such that sin(n) > 0 download
A070753 primes p such that sin(p) < 0 download Hannah Van Wyk Aut2016 primes
A000059 n such that (2n)^4+1 is prime download Xin Li Aut2016
A256249 partial sums of the sequence of solutions to the Josephus problem download Jesse Rivera Aut2016
A003325 sums of two positive cubes download Jesse Rivera Aut2016
A024975 sums of three positive cubes download Jesse Rivera Aut2016
A004431 sums of 2 distinct nonzero squares download Jesse Rivera Aut2016
A002088 sums of totient function: Sum_{k=1..n} phi(k) download Jesse Rivera Aut2016
A078972 brilliant numbers download Jesse Rivera Aut2016
A006446 numbers n such that floor(sqrt(n)) divides n download Emily Flanagan Win2017
A023254 numbers that remain prime through 2 iterations of the function f(x) = 5x + 6 download Emily Flanagan Win2017 primes
A023255 numbers that remain prime through 2 iterations of the function f(x) = 5x + 8 download Emily Flanagan Win2017 primes
A023256 numbers that remain prime through 2 iterations of the function f(x) = 6x + 1 download Emily Flanagan Win2017 primes
A023257 numbers that remain prime through 2 iterations of the function f(x) = 6x + 5 download Emily Flanagan Win2017 primes
A023258 numbers that remain prime through 2 iterations of the function f(x) = 6x + 7 download Emily Flanagan Win2017 primes
A206399 quadratic sequence 41n^2 + 2 download Emily Flanagan Win2017
A259486 3n^2 - 3n + 1 + 6 floor((n-1)(n-2)/6) download Emily Flanagan Win2017
A268037 numbers n such that the number of divisors of n+2 divides n and the number of divisors of n divides n+2 download Emily Flanagan Win2017
A002473 numbers whose prime divisors are all <= 7 download Jesse Rivera Win2017
A003136 numbers of the form x^2 + xy + y^2 download Jesse Rivera Win2017
A006218 sum of the number of divisors of k, k=1,...,n download Jesse Rivera Win2017
A011257 geometric mean of phi(n) and sigma(n) is an integer download Jesse Rivera Win2017
A030513 numbers with four divisors download Jesse Rivera Win2017
A030626 numbers with eight divisors download Jesse Rivera Win2017
A036844 numbers divisible by the sum of their prime factors download Jesse Rivera Win2017
A100118 Sum of prime factors with multiplicity is prime. download Aut2018
A051038 11-smooth numbers: numbers whose primes divisors are all <= 11 download Jesse Rivera Win2017
A051913 numbers n such that phi(n)/phi(phi(n)) = 3 download Jesse Rivera Win2017
A080683 numbers whose prime divisors are all <= 23 download Jesse Rivera Win2017
A165350 primes p such that floor((p^2-1)/4)+p is not prime download Jesse Rivera Win2017 primes
A190751 n+[ns/r]+[nt/r]+[nu/r]+[nv/r]+[nw/r], where r=sinh(x), s=cosh(x), t=tanh(x), u=csch(x), v=sech(x), w=coth(x), where x=pi/2 download Jesse Rivera Win2017
A252895 numbers with an odd number of square divisors download Jesse Rivera Win2017
A274685 odd numbers n such that sigma(n) is divisible by 5 download Jesse Rivera Win2017
A277052 n+floor(n/(2/sqrt(Pi)-1)) download Jesse Rivera Win2017
A250046 numbers n such that m = floor(n/7) is coprime to n and, if nonzero, m is also a term of the sequence download Penny Espinoza Win2017
A250046 numbers n such that m = floor(n/7) is coprime to n and, if nonzero, m is also a term of the sequence (longer version) download Penny Espinoza Win2017
A250048 numbers n such that m = floor(n/6) is coprime to n and, if nonzero, m is also a term of the sequence download Penny Espinoza Win2017
A250050 numbers n such that m = floor(n/5) is coprime to n and, if nonzero, m is also a term of the sequence download Penny Espinoza Win2017
A250036 numbers n such that m = floor(n/4) is coprime to n and, if nonzero, m is also a term of the sequence download Penny Espinoza Win2017
A250038 numbers n such that m = floor(n/16) is coprime to n and, if nonzero, m is also a term of the sequence download Penny Espinoza Win2017
A250040 numbers n such that m = floor(n/10) is coprime to n and, if nonzero, m is also a term of the sequence download Penny Espinoza Win2017
A250042 numbers n such that m = floor(n/9) is coprime to n and, if nonzero, m is also a term of the sequence download Penny Espinoza Win2017
A250044 numbers n such that m = floor(n/8) is coprime to n and, if nonzero, m is also a term of the sequence download Penny Espinoza Win2017
A161165 the n-th twin prime plus the n-th isolated prime download Penny Espinoza Win2017 primes
A166251 isolated primes: primes p such that there is no other prime in the interval [2 prevprime(p/2), 2 nextprime(p/2)] download Penny Espinoza Win2017 primes
A167706 single or isolated numbers: the union of single (or isolated or non-twin) primes and single (or isolated or average of twin prime pairs) nonprimes download Penny Espinoza Win2017 primes
A167771 Twice-isolated primes: primes p such that neither p+-2 nor p+-4 is prime download Penny Espinoza Win2017 primes
A065049 Odd primes of incorrect parity: number of 1's in the binary representation of n (mod 2) equals 1 - (n mod 3) (mod 2). Also called isolated primes. download Penny Espinoza Win2017 primes
A147778 positive integers of the form u*v*(u^2-v^2) where u,v are co-prime integers download Penny Espinoza Win2017
A153777 minimal sequence S such that 1 is in S and if x is in S, then 5x-1 and 5x+1 are in S download Penny Espinoza Win2017
A153777 minimal sequence S such that 1 is in S and if x is in S, then 5x-1 and 5x+1 are in S (10 minute version: silence after 4:36) download Penny Espinoza Win2017
A003586 3-smooth numbers: numbers of the form 2^i 3^j with i, j >= 0 download Penny Espinoza Win2017
A033845 numbers of the form 2^i 3^j, with i,j >= 1 download Penny Espinoza Win2017
A052160 isolated prime difference equals 6: d(n)=p(n+1)-p(n)=6 but d(n+1) and d(n-1) differ from 6 download Penny Espinoza Win2017 primes
A007510 single, isolated or non-twin primes: primes p such that neither p-2 nor p+2 is prime download Penny Espinoza Win2017 primes
A181732 numbers n such that 90n + 1 is prime download Penny Espinoza Win2017
A196000 numbers n such that 90n + 19 is prime download Penny Espinoza Win2017
A198382 numbers n such that 90n + 37 is prime download Penny Espinoza Win2017
A201734 numbers n such that 90n + 47 is prime download Penny Espinoza Win2017
A195993 numbers n such that 90n + 73 is prime download Penny Espinoza Win2017
A196007 numbers n such that 90n + 83 is prime download Penny Espinoza Win2017
A006450 prime-indexed primes: primes with prime subscripts download Penny Espinoza Win2017 primes
A066643 floor(pi n^2) download Penny Espinoza Win2017
A184774 primes of the form floor(k*sqrt(2)) download Emily Flanagan Spr2017 primes
A184775 numbers n such that floor(n*sqrt(2)) is prime download Emily Flanagan Spr2017
A184777 primes of the form 2k + floor(k*sqrt(2)) download Emily Flanagan Spr2017 primes
A184778 numbers n such that 2n+floor(n*sqrt(2)) is prime download Emily Flanagan Spr2017
A002984 a(0) = 1; for n>0, a(n) = a(n-1) + floor( sqrt a(n-1) ) download Emily Flanagan Spr2017
A013929 non-squarefree numbers download Emily Flanagan Spr2017
A017533 number of the form 12n+1 download Emily Flanagan Spr2017
A158708 primes p such that p + floor(p/2) is prime download Emily Flanagan Spr2017 primes
A158709 primes p such that p + ceiling(p/2) is prime download Emily Flanagan Spr2017 primes
A168363 squares and cubes of primes download Emily Flanagan Spr2017 primes
A175914 primes p such that p+2*q is prime, where q is the prime after p download Emily Flanagan Spr2017 primes
A000093 a(n) = floor(n^(3/2)). download Emily Flanagan Spr2017
A000212 a(n) = floor((n^2)/3) download Emily Flanagan Spr2017
A002620 quarter-squares: floor(n/2)*ceiling(n/2), equivalently, floor(n^2/4) download Emily Flanagan Spr2017
A003154 centered 12-gonal numbers (also star numbers: 6*n*(n-1) + 1). download Emily Flanagan Spr2017
A007590 floor(n^2/2) download Emily Flanagan Spr2017
A014657 numbers n that divide 2^k + 1 for some k download Emily Flanagan Spr2017
A032528 concentric hexagonal numbers: floor( 3*n^2 / 2 ) download Emily Flanagan Spr2017
A033581 a(n) = 6*n^2 download Emily Flanagan Spr2017
A035336 a(n) = 2*floor(n*phi) + n - 1, where phi = (1+sqrt(5))/2 download Emily Flanagan Spr2017
A072065 numbers of the form 12n+k, where k=0, 2, 9, or 11 download Penny Espinoza Spr2017
A000068 Numbers n such that n^4 + 1 is prime. download Nile Wymar Aut2017
A000879 Number of primes < prime(n)^2 download Nile Wymar Aut2017
A001043 Numbers that are the sum of 2 successive primes download Nile Wymar Aut2017
A000277 3*n - 2*floor(sqrt(4*n+5)) + 5 download Nile Wymar Aut2017
A007066 a(n) = 1 + ceiling((n-1)*phi^2), phi = (1+sqrt(5))/2. download Nile Wymar Aut2017
A007645 Generalized cuban primes: primes of the form x^2 + xy + y^2; or primes of the form x^2 + 3*y^2; or primes == 0 or 1 mod 3. download Nile Wymar Aut2017 primes
A027699 Evil primes: primes with even number of 1's in their binary expansion. download Jingyun Du Aut2019
A125494 Composite evil numbers. download Jingyun Du Aut2019
A000069 odious numbers: numbers with an odd number of 1's in their binary expansion download Emily Flanagan Win2017
A000057 Primes dividing all Fibonacci sequences. download Sherry Chen Win2018 primes
A000099 Let A(n) = #{(i,j): i^2 + j^2 <= n}, V(n) = Pi*n, P(n) = A(n) - V(n); sequence gives values of n where |P(n)| sets a new record. download Sherry Chen Win2018
A000123 Number of binary partitions: number of partitions of 2n into powers of 2. download Sherry Chen Win2018
A034048 Numbers with multiplicative digital root = 0. download Sherry Chen Win2018 digits
A277061 Numbers with multiplicative digital root > 0. download Sherry Chen Win2018 digits
A000977 Numbers that are divisible by at least three different primes. download Robert Pedersen Win2018
A002971 Numbers k such that 4*k^2 + 25 is prime. download Robert Pedersen Win2018
A003153 a(n) = integer nearest n*(1+sqrt(2)). download Robert Pedersen Win2018
A005574 Numbers k such that k^2 + 1 is prime. download Robert Pedersen Win2018
A007064 Numbers not of form "nearest integer to n*tau", tau=(1+sqrt(5))/2. download Robert Pedersen Win2018
A001913 Full reptend primes: primes with primitive root 10. download Joo Young "Jon" Kim Spr2018 primes
A023204 Numbers m such that m and 2*m + 3 are both prime. download Joshua Ramirez Spr2018 primes
A039770 Numbers n such that phi(n) is a perfect square. download Joshua Ramirez Spr2018
A006532 Numbers n such that sum of divisors of n is a square. download Joshua Ramirez Spr2018
A276967 Odd integers n such that 2^n == 2^3 (mod n). download Joshua Ramirez Spr2018
A003624 Duffinian numbers: n composite and relatively prime to sigma(n). download Joshua Ramirez Spr2018
A015765 Numbers n such that phi(n) | sigma_7(n). download Joshua Ramirez Spr2018
A005835 Pseudoperfect (or semiperfect) numbers n: some subset of the proper divisors of n sums to n. download Joshua Ramirez Spr2018
A007675 Numbers n such that n, n+1 and n+2 are squarefree. download Joshua Ramirez Spr2018
A001122 Primes with primitive root 2. download Joshua Ramirez Spr2018 primes
A152088 Positive integers n that when written in binary have exactly the same number of (non-leading) 0's as the number of divisors of n. download Joshua Ramirez Spr2018
A023172 Self-Fibonacci numbers: numbers n such that n divides Fibonacci(n). download Joshua Ramirez Spr2018
A001837 Numbers n such that phi(2n+1) < phi(2n). download Joshua Ramirez Spr2018
A001105 a(n) = 2*n^2. download Erik Huang Aut2018 quadratic,polynomial
A001964 Wythoff game. download Erik Huang Aut2018
A002061 Central polygonal numbers: a(n) = n^2 - n + 1. download Erik Huang Aut2018
A002113 Palindromes in base 10. download Erik Huang Aut2018
A002808 The composite numbers: numbers n of the form x*y for x > 1 and y > 1. download Erik Huang Aut2018
A006995 Binary palindromes: numbers whose binary expansion is palindromic. download Erik Huang Aut2018
A007623 Integers written in factorial base. download Erik Huang Aut2018
A018252 The nonprime numbers (1 together with the composite numbers). download Erik Huang Aut2018
A029803 Numbers that are palindromic in base 8. download Erik Huang Aut2018
A029952 Palindromic in base 5. download Erik Huang Aut2018
A029953 Palindromic in base 6. download Erik Huang Aut2018
A029954 Palindromic in base 7. download Erik Huang Aut2018
A029955 Palindromic in base 9. download Erik Huang Aut2018
A139250 Toothpick sequence. download Erik Huang Aut2018
A001358 Semiprimes download Pooja Ramathan Aut2018
A100484 Even semiprimes download Pooja Ramathan Aut2018
A107961 products of two primes which are not congruent to 3 modulo 4 download Aut2019
A000469 1 together with products of 2 or more distinct primes download Nile Wymar Aut2017
A007304 Sphenic numbers: products of 3 distinct primes. download Robert Pedersen Win2018
A030059 Numbers that are the product of an odd number of distinct primes download Nile Wymar Aut2017
A005728 Number of fractions in Farey series of order n. download Pooja Ramathan Aut2018
A005994 Alkane (or paraffin) numbers l(7,n). download Pooja Ramathan Aut2018
A112393 Semiprimes n such that 3*n - 2 is a square. download Pooja Ramathan Aut2018
A277093 Numbers k such that sin(k) > 0 and sin(k+2) > 0. download Pooja Ramathan Aut2018
Approximation of A277093 based on difference pattern [6,6,6,7,6,6,6,1] download Pooja Ramathan Aut2018
Approximation of A277093 based on difference pattern [6,6,6,7,6,6,6,1,6,6,6,7,6,6,6,1,6, 6,6,7,6,6,6,1,6,6,6,7,6,6,6,1,6,6, 6,7,6,6,6,1,6,6,6,7,6,6,6,1,6,6,6, 7,6,6,6,1,6,6,6,7] download Pooja Ramathan Aut2018
A277094 Numbers k such that sin(k) > 0 and sin(k+2) < 0. download Pooja Ramathan Aut2018
A277095 Numbers k such that sin(k) < 0 and sin(k+2) > 0. download Pooja Ramathan Aut2018
A192869 Thin primes: odd primes p such that p+1 is a prime (or 1) times a power of two. download Mrigank Arora Spr2019 primes
A003234 Numbers n such that A003231(A001950(n)) = A001950(A003231(n)) - 1. download Miranda Bugarin Spr2019
A007640 Numbers k such that 2*k^2 - 2*k + 19 is composite. download Miranda Bugarin Spr2019
A155107 Numbers n that are 23 or 30 (mod 53). download Miranda Bugarin Spr2019
A000404 Numbers that are the sum of 2 nonzero squares. download Aanya Khaira Spr2019
A000443 Numbers that are the sum of 2 squares in exactly 3 ways. download Aanya Khaira Spr2019
A025284 Numbers that are the sum of 2 nonzero squares in exactly 1 way. download Aanya Khaira Spr2019
A025285 Numbers that are the sum of 2 nonzero squares in exactly 2 ways. download Aanya Khaira Spr2019
A025286 Numbers that are the sum of 2 nonzero squares in exactly 3 ways. download Aanya Khaira Spr2019
A025287 Numbers that are the sum of 2 nonzero squares in exactly 4 ways. download Aanya Khaira Spr2019
A000408 Numbers that are the sum of three nonzero squares. download Aanya Khaira Spr2019
Numbers that are the sum of 3 nonzero squares in exactly n ways where n is increasing geometrically by doubling every 2.2 seconds. download Aanya Khaira Spr2019
A025324 Numbers that are the sum of 3 nonzero squares in exactly 4 ways download Aanya Khaira Spr2019
A025325 Numbers that are the sum of 3 nonzero squares in exactly 5 ways download Aanya Khaira Spr2019
A025326 Numbers that are the sum of 3 nonzero squares in exactly 6 ways download Aanya Khaira Spr2019
A025327 Numbers that are the sum of 3 nonzero squares in exactly 7 ways download Aanya Khaira Spr2019
A025328 Numbers that are the sum of 3 nonzero squares in exactly 8 ways download Aanya Khaira Spr2019
A025329 Numbers that are the sum of 3 nonzero squares in exactly 9 ways download Aanya Khaira Spr2019
A025330 Numbers that are the sum of 3 nonzero squares in exactly 10 ways download Aanya Khaira Spr2019
A008846 Hypotenuses of primitive Pythagorean triangles download Jin Lin Aut2019
A225771 Numbers that are positive integer divisors of 1 + 2*x^2 where x is a positive integer download Jin Lin Aut2019
A000379 Numbers n where total number of 1-bits in the exponents of their prime factorization is even; a 2-way classification of integers: download Jin Lin Aut2019
A000328 Number of points of norm <= n^2 in square lattice. download Jin Lin Aut2019
A164620 Primes p such that 1 +p*floor(p/2) is also prime. download Pubo Huang Aut2019 primes
A164624 Primes p such that p+floor(p/2)+floor(p/3) is prime. download Pubo Huang Aut2019 primes comment
A164625 Primes p such that p+floor(p/2)+floor(p/3)+floor(p/5) is prime. download Pubo Huang Aut2019 primes
A000960 Flavius Josephus's sieve numbers. download Pubo Huang Aut2019
A046959 Numbers n where sin(n) increases monotonically to 1. download Pubo Huang Aut2019
A259368 Number of binary digits of n^n. download Pubo Huang Aut2019
floor( n atan(n/10^3)) download Pubo Huang Aut2019
floor( n atan(n/10^4)) download Pubo Huang Aut2019
floor( n atan(n/10^5)) download Pubo Huang Aut2019
strictly increasing portion of floor( n atan(n/10^6)) download Aut2019
A000430 Primes and squares of primes. download Sam Wang Aut2019
A000452 The greedy sequence of integers which avoids 3-term geometric progressions. download Sam Wang Aut2019
A000549 Numbers that are the sum of 2 squares but not sum of 3 nonzero squares. download Sam Wang Aut2019
A000966 n! never ends in this many 0's. download Sam Wang Aut2019
A001101 Moran numbers: n such that (n / sum of digits of n) is prime. download Sam Wang Aut2019
A001123 Primes with 3 as smallest primitive root. download Sam Wang Aut2019
A007624 Product of proper divisors of n = n^k, k>1. download Sam Wang Aut2019
A007634 Numbers n such that n^2 + n + 41 is composite. download Sam Wang Aut2019
A007638 Numbers k such that 3*k^2 - 3*k + 23 is composite. download Sam Wang Aut2019
A007692 Numbers that are the sum of 2 nonzero squares in 2 or more ways. download Sam Wang Aut2019
A007774 Numbers that are divisible by exactly 2 different primes. download Sam Wang Aut2019
A003277 Cyclic numbers: n such that n and phi(n) are relatively prime; download Sam Wang Aut2019
A003159 Numbers n whose binary representation ends in an even number of zeros. download Sam Wang Aut2019
A002035 Numbers that contain primes to odd powers only. download Sam Wang Aut2019 primes
A001958 floor( (n+1/3) * (5+sqrt(13)) /2) download Sam Wang Aut2019
A001958 approximation: difference sequence is 5, 4, 4, 4, 5, 4, 4, 5, 4, 4, then repeats. download Sam Wang Aut2019
A014574 Average of twin prime pairs. download Jingyun Du Aut2019
A045718 Nearest neighbors of primes. download Jingyun Du Aut2019
A088485 Numbers n such that n^2 + n - 1 and n^2 + n + 1 are twin primes. download Jingyun Du Aut2019
A111980 Union of pairs of consecutive primes p, q with q-p = 4. download Jingyun Du Aut2019
A000037 Numbers that are not squares (or, the nonsquares). download Ally Krinsky Win2020
A002328 Numbers n such that n^2-n-1 is prime. download Ally Krinsky Win2020
A002642 Numbers n such that (n^2+n+1)/3 is prime. download Ally Krinsky Win2020
A002643 Numbers n such that (n^2+n+1)/19 is prime. download Ally Krinsky Win2020
A002644 Numbers n such that (n^2+n+1)/21 is prime. download Ally Krinsky Win2020
A002731 Numbers n such that (n^2+1)/2 is prime. download Ally Krinsky Win2020
A002733 Numbers n such that (n^2 + 1)/10 is prime. download Ally Krinsky Win2020
A002970 Numbers n such that 4*n^2 + 9 is prime. download Ally Krinsky Win2020
A004083 Numbers n such that cos(n-1) <= 0 and cos(n) > 0. download Ally Krinsky Win2020
A002640 Numbers n such that (n^2 + n + 1)/3 is prime. download Ally Krinsky Win2020
A002641 Numbers n such that (n^2 + n + 1)/7 is prime. download Ally Krinsky Win2020
A002642 Numbers n such that (n^2 + n + 1)/7 is prime. download Ally Krinsky Win2020
A002643 Numbers n such that (n^2 + n + 1)/7 is prime. download Ally Krinsky Win2020
A004614 Numbers that are divisible only by primes congruent to 3 mod 4. download Ally Krinsky Win2020
A007519 Primes congruent to 1 mod 8. download Ally Krinsky Win2020 primes
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