Math 465A, Numerical Analysis, Winter, 1999
This is the Math 465A homepage. Consult it from time to time to find
useful information for the course. I will include links to the syllabus and
other course information as they become available.
The following topics will be covered:
- Numerical calculation of eigenvalues
- Numerical solutions of polynomial equations
- Numerical solution of systems of non-linear equations
- Orthogonal polynomials and least squares
- Gaussian quadrature
- Fast Fourier transform
- (2/22/99) The homework from section 5.3.3 will be cancelled. I am
not planning to cover that section.
- (2/7/99) Sample problems for the midterm
- (1/12/99) We will meet in Anderson 010 from 8:45-10:20 on January
13 and 15. I will be away from January 18 to January 22.
- (1/12/99) The quiz section will meet in Bloedel 392 beginning with
January 14.
- Syllabus
- Projects