TLP Math Intensive - Geometry

Monday, August 5 - Friday, August 9

This small site contains documents, schedules, and information for the Geometry "Intensive" for the Teaching and Learning Partnership program of the UW College of Education.

Time and Place: UW Campus

8/5-8/9, 8:30-11:30, BLM 306*
8/5-8/9, 12:30-3:00, DEN 309
Tuesday 8:30-10:00 will meet in computer lab Communicatons B-027 (not B-047).

Note: some days the schedule may run from 8:30-11:45 and 12:45-3:00 instead.

Schedule for the Week

Assignments and Handouts

Books, Videos, Software and other References

Some Documents from Week 1 of the Math Intensive


Jim King - Mathematics Department
University of Washington
Art Mabbott – Mathematics
Curriculum Consultant Seattle Public Schools
Rebekah Elliott - Mathematics Teacher Ed
College of Education
University of Washington
Wendy Miller – Mathematics
Teacher Seattle Public School
Ginger Warfield -Mathematics Department
University of Washington