This was handed out prior to the two weeks of "math intensives". It has general information, grading standards, and a brief description of the syllabus.
This assignment is mostly about visual understanding of area of triangles and special quadrilaterals. There are a couple of challenge problems as well.
This handout is contains student worksheets and some mathematical analysis which is very close to the straw tetrahedron activity of Monday morning. However the TLP activity was based on verbal instructions and did not follow a worksheet.
This assignment refers to the Questions to answer for homework, above.
These questions were supplemented by two questions about Monday morning.
These notes were not distributed as handouts. They are brief descriptions of what was done during the activities.
This assignment is about similar rectangles.
A page of regular pentagons with inscribed pentagrams was handed out for marking on during the process of finding the ratios in a pentagon.
This assignment has 4 problems. The first 3 build up information about regular tetrahedra. The fourth is about half a cone of ice cream.
This assignment has two problems about scaling and similarity.