Guidelines for Working Through a CMP Lesson
Each group should appoint a Recorder of its discussions. This could be a rotating job shared among the group, but be sure to record the main ideas of your discussions.
- Carry out the student activities in your group. Do the activities, don't just read the descriptions. (In some cases you may want to divide tasks among the group to conserve time.)
- Answer the Student Problems in your group, including the ACE questions. Answer the Mathematical Reflections questions if you have time. Answer them individually to start out, so as to get some possibly different answers. Avoid reading the answers in the book before your group has discussed your own responses to the problems.
- Discuss your experience with this unit. What Big Ideas are addressed in this lesson? What very specific points, concepts or student misconceptions are addressed by this lesson? How do the student questions try to get at these points?
- If you were teaching this unit, what points would require special care? Read the Teacher Notes sections and discuss the goals of the unit again after having read what the authors had in mind.
- Go back to the Mathematical Reflection Questions. Do they summarize or extend the work of the lesson?
- Assessment. Read the CMP Assessment sections.