Day 25

Math 444, Wednesday, 11/24

Sponsor Today's class is brought to you by the Cube.
Topics Quite a lot about the cube. The cube made interesting.
Class Schedule
  • Space filling pyramids and the rhombic dodecahedron.
  • Relation between the cube and the regular tetrahedron
  • Relation between the cube and the regular octahedron.

Link to page about angles in tetrahedron and octahedron.


Reading Assignment (due Monday 11/29)

Read about polyhedra on the web. Be able to quickly spout off the names of the Platonic solids with their numbers of faces, edges and vertices.

Here is a page of links to get you started but Google can give you a lifetime supply.

Due Today



Construction Portfolio #4 (due Monday 11/29) - omit last one.

Assignment 9 (due Wednesday 12/1)

3D Model Portfolio (due Wednesday 12/1)

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