Hopf Algebras and Actions
Seattle Workshop, II, 2016

April 16-17, 2016


This is one of a series of NSF-funded workshops which meet once every few months during the academic year, organized by Geoff Mason, Susan Montgomery and Joe Wolf. The purpose of the program is to communicate results and ideas rather than to deliver polished presentations. The program also serves to acquaint graduate students in this area with a range of researchers in Lie theory, representation theory and related areas. The special theme of this workshop is "Hopf Algebras and Actions, Part II". The first workshop in ``Hopf Algebras and Actions'' held in 2014, see HAA2014. Other workshops are listed here.


Susan Montgomery, University of Southern California, USA smontgom@usc.edu
James J. Zhang, University of Washington, USA zhang@math.washington.edu


Please email organizers if you plan to attend the workshop. There is no registration fee.


Savery Hall 131, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA


Here is a list of hotels near the University Hotels. Participants should arrange their own accommodation during the workshop.


Click here for schedule and abstract . All talks are given in SAV 131.

A list of participants

Click here for a (partial) list of participants. Click here for photo1 and photo2.

Local information

Campus map

A campus map with building list can be found on the University of Washington website.

Savery Hall is located near the center of the north central part of the UW campus, see this map.

The Department of Mathematics is located at Padelford Hall, C-wing.

Arriving in Seattle