June 20-24,
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
A Conference in Honor of S. Paul Smith on the occasion of his 65th Birthday
Ken Brown (University of Glasgow)
Tim Hodges (University of Cincinnati)
Ron Irving (University of Washington)
Michaela Vancliff (University of Texas at Arlington)
James Zhang (University of Washington)
Welcome to Seattle, and thank you all for participating in the conference.
We really appreciate that you are making great efforts to come to Seattle
during this difficult time with lots of uncertainties. In
addition to a
celebration of Paul's birthday, this conference is one of
several celebrations
of our own research field (and one of several major
conferences in this field
this year around the world). We would like to
encourage you to talk to each
other, to collaborate, to inspire our
graduate students and junior members
of this community.
Seattle is a beautiful city. If you are free on the afternoon of
June 22, you may consider a visit to the downtown area. One option is to
take the light rail from the U-district to downtown (there are several
light rail stations in the downtown area: Westlake Station, Pioneer Square,
and International District/Chinatown stations). If you do plan to
downtown, there
are a lot of different attractions (museums, sports, foods,
Locally, there are two attractions on campus: Burke Museum of Natural
and Culture (in a brand new building) and the Henry Art Gallery,
a short walk from Alder Hall. Here is a link to UW campus map
Also see
There are many different kinds of restaurants in this neighborhood,
most within
walking distance, many along University Way
(which is also called ``The Ave'').
There are more
(and more expensive ones) in the downtown area. We recommend
searching online (and you can see the ratings, etc, etc), see
for example
Please note that Monday June 20 is a state and federal holiday, so that
services (banks) will be closed, as well as the UW itself.
Also note that the front
door to our lecture hall is facing south on NE 40th
street. For program and UW wifi
information, see
program and UW Wireless Access info.
If you have any questions, please
feel free to ask us. We hope you have a
pleasant time during
the conference.
The University of Washington will host a week long conference on Recent Advances and New Directions in the Interplay of Noncommutative Algebra and Geometry from June 20, 2022 to June 24, 2022. The conference is being held in honor of S. Paul Smith on his 65th birthday. Here is a conference poster. Here is the main conference website.
This workshop provides a forum for international experts in noncommutative algebra to survey the state-of-the art, and exchange ideas on promising future directions of research. The main themes include noncommutative geometry, quantum groups and Hopf algebras, etc.
Registration is now open, at
The conference fee is $85, payable on registration. A late fee will apply after
June 10, 2022. The fee covers administrative support, tea/coffee, and the
conference dinner. Please note that, in part due to Covid safeguards, the number of
participants will be limited, and we therefore encourage early registration to
avoid disappointment. In the event that you have to cancel on or before June 10, 2022,
your fee will be returned, apart from $9.50 for UW's administrative costs. Please
see the registration form for exact details. For the question on the registration
form that asks about payment using a budget number, if you are not a UW faculty
member or student, then click ``no''. If you have technical issues with the
registration link, please contact
Here is a schedule
of talks with links to the abtsracts and a pdf.file of the
All lectures are given in
University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA.
Some pictures
picture one,
picture two,
picture three,
picture four.
Here are pdf.files of some talks.
10 min talks
30 min talks
50 min talks
There is no whiteboard/chalkboard
in the lecture room; i.e., talk should be prepared for
use with an overhead projector and computer.
is a list of
near the University. Participants should arrange their own
All graduate students and early career researchers are encouraged to give either a poster presentation in the afternoon of Monday, June 20 or a 10-minute short talk on Tuesday about their research.
The poster session will be given in the afternoon of Monday, June 20.
Short talks will be given on Tuesday, June 21. A tentative schedule for all short talks
can be found here.
A conference dinner will take place in the evening of Tuesday, June 21 at the Walker-Ames Room on the second floor in Kane Hall, UW campus.
At this time, masks are optional inside most facilities at the University of Washington (UW),
but the UW strongly recommends wearing a high-quality mask (in particular, without a vent),
due to higher case rates in the region. Our policy for the conference is to follow the UW's
covid policy in place during the week of the conference. For your information, some websites
of possible interest are:
1. UW general covid
2. UW policy regarding
face coverings
3. UW advice on choosing a
face covering
4. UW building
ventilation practices
A limited number of masks and hand sanitizers will be provided during the conference,
but we recommend that participants bring their own too.
The conference has a limited amount of funds available to support participants.
Priority for funding will be given to PhD students, early-career researchers and
speakers, but all are welcome to apply. Please use alternative sources of funding
if any are available to you, so that as many applicants can be funded as possible.
If you wish to apply for support, please see
and enter the password uw65sps when prompted. Review of funding applications will
begin on Feb 12 2022 but later applications will be considered if there are still
funds available. For PhD students, a letter of recommendation is required from the
student's PhD advisor, in addition to the application form; see the previous link
for details.
A campus map with building list can be found on the University of Washington website.
The Department of Mathematics is located at Padelford Hall, C-wing.
You can take light rail, taxi or rideshare from the Sea/Tac airport to the University of Washington (UW). There are two light-rail stops in the University district, one on Brooklyn Ave NE between NE 43rd St and NE 45th St and the other near the Husky stadium.
If you are familiar with the Seattle bus system, you could take light rail to UW, or to downtown Seattle and change bus from downtown to your hotel. Metro Transit's Trip Planner can help you to find the best routes.
See https://sites.google.com/view/ndna2020 for the most up-to-date information & particpant list & schedule etc.