Math 126 Sections C and D: Calculus with Analytic Geometry III

Winter 2021


Starting Wendsday (Feb. 24) our text is Taylor Notes. . Please print out a copy for yourselves.

Schedule for the next 2 quizzes:

Quiz 4 on Mar. 2 (Tuesday) will cover Chapter 15 and Section 10.3.
Quiz 5 on Mar. 11 (Thursday, not Tuesday!) will cover Taylor Series notes.

HW is due every Tuesday and Thursday at 11pm. It's a good idea to work on your homework early (a few days before the deadline).
To access and submit your homework, please check the website Homework.

Math Study Center (MSC) is running regular MSC hours: M-Th 9:30 AM to 9:30 PM, Friday 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM, and Sunday 2-6 PM.
MSC provides the best tutoring service for calculus students. Everyone should try it.

CLUE is a multidisciplinary, late-night, and free study center. They offer one-on-one drop-in tutoring sessions from 7:00pm to 11:00pm Sunday through Thursday virtually during Autumn quarter through Zoom. No appointment is necessary as we are drop-in only.
Additional information about all CLUE offers is available here: CLUE.
You should try it if you have homework questions during late evening.

If you have any suggestions and comments, please email James at (

Instructor: James Zhang

Office: Padelford Hall, Room C-420
Office hours: Wednesdays 5:00-6:00pm.

Teaching Assistants:

Cody Tipton for Sections DA and DB
Office: PDL C404
Office hours: 3:00-4:00pm, Tuesdays. All Math 126 C and D students are welcome.

Shuntao Chen for Sections DC and DD
Office: PDL C-8H
Office hours: 5:00-6:00pm, Wednesday, zoom link All Math 126 C and D students are welcome.

Kirill Golubnichiy for Sections CA and CB
Office: PDL C-541
Office hours: 1pm-2pm Tuesdays, zoom link All Math 126 C and D students are welcome.

Kelvin Lam for Sections CC and CD
Office: PDL C-8B
Office hours: 12:30-1:30pm, Thursdays (Zoom Meeting ID: 974 7052 7301 Passcode: 100176). All Math 126 C and D students are welcome.


MWF 10:30-11:20 (Section C)
MWF 11:30-12:20 (Section D)

Every lecture consists of two videos, one is called A (for announcement) and the other L (for lecture). A is a shorter one containing some announcements (usually 3-10 mintues). L is a longer one containing the content of the section we are covering (usually up to 55 minutes).
Videos A and L will be uploaded to the canvas before the lecture time. For example, A12-1 and L12-1 (for Section 12.1) will be available at the canvas before 10:30am on Monday, January 4, 2021. You are supposed to watch these two videos during that day.
These videos will be removed from the canvas after two or three weeks.


Grades will be based on the following:

Grade 2.0:

A grade of 2.0 is needed to move on to other courses that require Math 126. An average of 70% will be enough to receive a 2.0.


Homework will be assigned and collected via Webassign for all Math 126 classes. Homework will be due at 11:00pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting week 2.
If you want to purchase Webassign, please go to Webassign.
If you want to learn how to use Webassign, please check the website How to use Webassign.
If you still have questions after reading How to use Webassign, you should consider to attend the WebAssign Student Office Hours:
Thursday 1/7, 2020 11am – 3pm (PDT), Monday 1/11, 2020 11am – 3pm (PDT), Tuesday 1/19, 2020 11am – 3pm (PDT)
To access and submit your homework, please check the website Homework.
No late homework will be accepted.


Quizzes will be given at your usual quiz section time on Tuesday in week 3, 5, 7, 9, and Thursday in week 10.
  • Quiz 1 on Jan. 19 (Tuesday) will cover Chapter 12.
  • Quiz 2 on Feb. 2 (Tuesday) will cover Section 12.6 and Chapter 13.
  • Quiz 3 on Feb. 16 (Tuesday) will cover Chapter 14.
  • Quiz 4 on Mar. 2 (Tuesday) will cover Chapter 15 and Section 10.3.
  • Quiz 5 on Mar. 11 (Thursday, not Tuesday!) will cover Taylor Series notes.

  • Accomodations:

  • If you need accommodations because of a disability, please contact Disability Resources for Students.
  • For religious accommodations, please see this page.

  • Rules for taking quizzes:

    Text and Material:

    "Multivariable Calculus", 8th edition by Stewart. This is a custom edition available in the University Bookstore.
    You may purchase a hard copy of the text at the bookstore or use the electronic version that comes with Webassign.
    We recommend students to read the textbook before and after each lecture.

    "Taylor Notes" "Taylor Notes" is available at Math126 Material Website

    You can get help from Math Study Center
    Online hours are M-Th 9:30 AM to 9:30 PM, Friday 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM, Sunday 2-6 PM.
    Due to some technical issues, you need first to self-enroll via a link on the MSC website: MSC,
    after that MSC should appear as one of your courses on Canvas.

    Suggestions and comments are very welcome.

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