Math 126 Sections A and B: Calculus with Analytic Geometry III
Winter 2025
You may find practice problems here
for midterms and the final exam.
Some information about this course can be found
All homework is assigned and collected via Webassign.
To access and submit your homework, use the link
``Math 126 A and B''
provided in Canvas.
All students need an access code for Webassign. If you purchased
a lifetime-of-the-edition access code for Math 124/5, you do not
need a new code. If you need to buy Webassign access, you may
purchase a single-term code, along with an electronic copy of
the text, directly from WebAssign for $40.
Also see
How to use Webassign.
Math Study Center
is running regular MSC hours: M-Th 9:30 AM to 7:30 PM,
Friday 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM, and Sunday 12:30 PM to 4:30 PM.
MSC provides the best tutoring service for calculus students.
Everyone should try it.
CLUE is a multidisciplinary, late-night, and free study center.
They offer one-on-one drop-in tutoring sessions.
Additional information about all CLUE offers is available here:
You should try it if you have homework questions during late evening.
If you have any suggestions and comments, please email James at
Instructor: James Zhang
Office: Padelford Hall, Room C-420
Office hours: Mondays 9:00-10:00am
Teaching Assistants:
Nathan Cheung for Sections AA and AB
Office: PDL C-111
Office hours: Mondays and Wednesdays from 5pm -- 6pm in the MSC.
Alexander Galarrage for Sections AC and AD
Office: PDL C-446
Office hours: Wednesdays 2:30pm -- 3:30pm and Thursdays 10:30am -- 11:30am
in the MSC.
Yue Wu for Sections AE and AF
Office: PDL C-110
Office hours: Wednesdays 4:30pm -- 6:30pm Seattle time, zoom meeting link:
or use meeting id: 804 995 0793
Andew Niu for Sections BA and BB
Office: PDL C-8G
Office hours: Mondays 11:00am -- 12:00noon and Tuesdays 12:30pm -- 1:30pm
in the MSC.
Lorenzo Bottiglione for Sections BC and BD
Office: ART 349
Office hours: Mondays 11:30am-12:20pm at ART349 and
Wednesdays 16:30pm -- 17:20pm in the MSC.
Tracy Chin for Sections DE and DF
Office: PDL C-110
Office hours: Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 2pm -- 3pm in the MSC.
Lectures: MWF 11:30-12:20 (Section A) in KNE 210 MWF 12:30-1:20
(Section B) in KNE 210
Grades will be based on the
- Two Quizzes together -- 10 %
- Homework -- 10 %
- Exam one -- 20 %
- Exam two -- 20 %
- Final Exam -- 40 %
Math 124/5/6 Grade Policy: The median course grades for each
lecture section (or a single instructor's combined lecture sections)
of Math 124/5/6 taught during the regular academic year will fall
within the range of 2.9 +/- 0.2.
Grade 2.0:
A grade of 2.0 is needed to move on to other courses that require Math 126.
An average of 70% will be enough to receive a 2.0.
Homework will be assigned
and collected via Webassign for all Math 126 classes.
Homework will be due at 11:00pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting week 2.
If you need to purchase a Webassign code, one option is to get a
$40 code directly from WebAssign after you log in, or you can read
Webassign for more information.
If you want to learn how to use Webassign,
please check the
How to use Webassign.
To access and submit your homework, use the link
``Math 126 A and B''
provided in Canvas.
No late homework will be accepted.
Two quizzes will be given at your usual quiz section time
on Tuesdays in week 3 and week 7.
Quiz 1 on Jan. 21 (Tuesday) will cover Sect. 12.1-12.5.
Quiz 2 on Feb. 18 (Tuesday) will cover Sect. 10.3 and Chapter 14.
Two Midterm Exams will be given at your usual quiz section time
on Thursdays in week 5 and week 8.
Exam 1 on Feb. 6 (Thursday) will cover Chapters 12 and 13.
Exam 2 on Feb. 27 (Thursday) will cover Section 10.3, Chapters 14 and 15.
The common final exam for all Math 126 students will take place on Saturday, March 15,
The final exam will cover "Taylor Notes" and Chapters 10-15.
Here is
Archive of Old Final Exams.
Students who are unable to take the exam at this time must petition to take the
make-up final.
You can find department common final information
You must
bring your Photo ID to all exams.
If you need accommodations because of a disability, please
Resources for Students.
For religious accommodations, please see
this page.
Rules for taking quizzes and exams:
- You are allowed to use a TI-30X IIS calculator (no other calculator or electronic device allowed).
- You are allowed to use
one page of hand-written notes of standard size.
- There is no make-up. If something unusual happens I
expect you to be prompt in letting me know.
Text and Material:
"Calculus, 9th Edition, Early Transcendentals by Stewart".
An electronic version is included with your purchase of a WebAssign access code, so a
paper copy is not required. We do recommend that you read the textbook, and a paper
copy will make that easier. You can buy a used, cheaper, possily older edition of the
book. A hard copy of the book is not required for the course.
We recommend students to read the textbook before and after
each lecture.
"Taylor Notes"
"Taylor Notes" is available at
Math126 Material Website
You can get help from
Math Study Center
The Math Study Center hours are M-Th 9:30 AM to 7:30 PM, Friday 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM, Sunday 12:3 PM to 4:30 PM.
Suggestions and comments are very welcome.
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