Brown Bag Teaching/Learning Seminar #5
Tests: theoretical and actual benefits
TESTS: What do we hope to accomplish when we give them? What do we actually accomplish when we give them? What can we do about the chasm between the answers to those two questions? There's no uniform solution, of course (wouldn't that be lovely?) but several people that I know of have tried out sundry tactics for increasing the amount that our students learn from taking the tests and/or the amount that we learn about the students from the tests. I suspect also that several that I don't know of have done likewise. Thursday's Brown Bag will be a discussion of as many of these ideas as we can pull together.
We will meet at NOON on Thursday, January 13 in the Math Lounge. Come and join us!
Future notice: the next Brown Bag will be on February 3. Loyce Adams (and I) will discuss some of the NSF-supported math curricula which are currently stirring up a certain amount of controversy in the mathematics community.
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