Brown Bag Teaching/Learning Seminar #10
Relaxing in front of the Television

Movie Time!

After struggling at the previous Brown Bag to connect by way of Franglais with an unfamiliar and somewhat subtle concept, I'd say we had earned an intellectually low-stress session. So we are going to watch a videotaped lecture by Patrick Wilson on How to Speak. It was put out by Harvard's excellent Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning, on the premise that if the military courtmartials officers for sending people into action underprepared, someone ought at least to say "tsk tsk" about academia's habit of handing people a piece of chalk and saying "Now you are a lecturer." Wilson's talk is of the one-size-fits-all-disciplines type, but it does have a number of excellent tips, and yes! it is an excellent lecture!

The show will begin at 12:30 on Thursday, May 6, in the Math lounge.

Bring your own popcorn (or lunch)

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