An idea that emerged in the course of the Brown Bag on calculator dependence and that has since been reinforced in conversation is that one way in which we could help students make wise use of graphing calculators is by giving them mixed media problems. That is, by putting them in a situation where the calculator is indeed useful, but only in conjunction with some algebraic reasoning or some other form of mathematical thinking. I have already seen or heard of two such, and I suspect that they are the tip of rather a nice iceberg. So I am proposing that our next Brown Bag be
The last time we discussed calculators the major focus was our worry about students using them badly. The most encouraging offshoot of that was a series of examples of worksheets through which students can discover for themselves great things the calculator can only do if the battery between the ears of the user is also turned on. Most of these I found out about almost by chance after the Brown Bag, and my firm belief is that there are many others out there as well. So I am declaring a
If you have any such, please bring several copies. If you have (or can scrounge up) a graphing calculator, bring that, too, because I'm hoping we can work through some to see what they do. And if you have neither of the above, but would like to join the conversation, you should most definitely come.
We will meet at NOON on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, in the MATH LOUNGE.