Brown Bag Teaching/Learning Seminar #1
Teacher Workshops

Have you been wondering just what it is that goes on in Teacher Workshops and Institutes? Here's your chance to find out! Jim King and I will talk some about the kinds of topics and activities we do, and how we do them and why we do them, and will also (we hope) answer lots of questions. Furthermore, since discussions work much the best around an example,we will start off with one of the activities that went over particularly well at last summer's Northwest Geometry Institute. Come on time and you'll get to play with some geometry toys!

But let me hasten to add that if you can't come on time, you will be extremely welcome, and if you have to leave early, that's also fine. It's not by chance that these seminars are scheduled straddling two class hours.

We will meet at




in the


Come and join us!