A fair number of us, in and out of the department, have been working with variations on the theme of group work. Some do it as the total class format, some as an occasional tactic used in sections. Sometimes it works much better than other times--but in those good times, it has some benefits to offer that are not otherwise available. The variables are many, but one feature that seems pretty universal is that the time to establish with the class that group work will be used is in week one. It therefore seems a good topic for the last Brown Bag before winter quarter.
Brian Hopkins, Steve Monk, Michael Keynes and I will discuss some of our experiences with group work, and Steve will furthermore provide us with some comments made by students who have been in classes with group work. We hope that lots of you will be there with your comments both pro, con and eh?
We will meet at noon on Thursday, November 30 in the Math Lounge