Brown Bag Teaching/Learning Seminar #1
PFF, MER and a Treisman visit
In the course of last year, we launched three programs about
which many people know some things and some people know many things, but
nobody knows everything. All are in need of outside input to help
prevent them from becoming the output of insiders. Ergo, the first Brown
Bag Teaching/Learning seminar of 94/95 will be some blend of information
dessimination and idea generation about
- The Pew Grant for Preparing Future Faculty (for which we are
partners with the math departments of Seattle University and Seattle
Central Community College,)
- The MER (Mathematicians and Educational Reform) Task Force
(for which we are working with a community of research university math
- The upcoming visit of Uri Treisman (on which we are
collaborating with a number of departments around UW, including the
Office of Minority Affairs and MESA (Mathematics, Engineering and Science
Achievement) in an effort to increase minority participation in science
and math.)