Math/AMath 514 - Networks and Combinatorial Optimization
Autumn 2024
Class: MW 9:00-10:20am in LOW 216
Instructor: Cynthia Vinzant (email)
Instructor Office Hours: M 1:30-2:30pm, W 10:30-11:30am in PDL C-439
Teaching Assistant Natasha Crepeau (email)
TA Office Hours: Tu 2-3pm in PDL C-446

Class Syllabus

Quick Links: Gradescope, Discussion Board

There is no official textbook for the class. The lectures will follow notes written by Alexander Schrijver that you can find here.

Schedule (Tentative)
Sept. 25Graphs and Minimum Spanning Trees
Notes: 09/25
S 1.4, 6 HW 1 (.tex, .pdf), due Oct. 3
Sept. 30, Oct. 2 Convexity, Polyhedra, and Linear Programming
Notes: 09/30, 10/02
S 2.1, 2.2, 2.4 HW 2 (.tex, .pdf) due Oct. 10
Oct. 7,9 Duality in LPs, Matchings
Notes: 10/07, 10/09
S 2.3, 2.4, 3.1 HW 3 (.tex, .pdf), due Oct. 17
Oct. 14,16 Matchings
Notes: 10/14, 10/16
S 3.2-3.4 HW 4 (.tex, .pdf), due Oct. 24
Oct. 21, 23 Network Flows
Notes: 10/21, 10/23
S 4.2-4.4 HW 5 (.tex, .pdf), due Oct. 31
Oct. 28, 30 Max Flow and applications
Notes: 10/28, 10/30
S 4.5, 4.6 HW 6 (.tex, .pdf), due Nov. 7
Nov. 4, 6 Integer Programming and Total Unimodularity
Notes: 11/04, 11/06
S 8.1, 8.2, 8.4HW 7 (.tex, .pdf), due Nov. 14
Nov. 13
No class Nov. 11
TU matrices from graphs
Notes: 11/13
S 8.3, 8.4
HW 8 (.tex, .pdf), due Nov. 21
Nov. 18, 20 Approximations of Max Cut and SDPs
Notes: 11/18, 11/20
Laurent, Vallentin
(Ch 2 & 7)
Nov. 25, 27 Matroids
Notes: 11/25, 11/27
S 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.7 HW 9 (.tex, .pdf), due Dec. 5
Dec. 2,4 Matroids (cont')
Notes: 12/02, 12/04
S 10.4, 10.5