Thomae's Popcorn Function

Thomae's function is a common function presented in introductory analysis courses which challenges students' intuition of what it means to be continuous.

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How could we visualize Thomae's Popcorn Function? The key idea is to enumerate as many rationals as is reasonable. Our technique to achieve this is encapsulated in lines 6-10.
  1. \(P_0 = [(i, j)\ \text{for}\ i = [0\ldots N], j = [1\ldots N]]\)
  2. \(g(p) = \text{GCD}(p.x, p.y)\)
  3. \(Q_0 = P_0[g(P_0) = 1]\)
  4. \(Q_1 = Q_0[Q_0.x \le Q_0.y]\)
  5. \(Q = \left[\left( \frac{q_1.x}{q_1.y}, \frac{1}{q_1.y}\right)\ \text{for}\ q_1 = Q_1\right]\)

We start in line 6 by using list comprehension to eunmerate all ordered pairs \((i, j)\) with \(i\) non-negative, and \(j\) positive, and both \(i, j\) bounded above by some \(N\).

Line 7 defines a function which takes a point and returns the GCD of its two components.

In line 8, we make use of Desmos's logical indexing. \(P_0[g(P_0) = 1]\) is a sub-list of \(P_0\) consisting of all elements \(p \in P_0\) such that \(g(p) = 1\). In other words, we extract from \(P_0\) all elements whose components have GCD equal to 1.

In a similar fashion, line 9 simply extracts from \(Q_0\) the elements whose \(x\) coordinate (numerator) is at most its \(y\) coordinate (denominator). This serves to restrict our rationals to \([0, 1]\).

Finally, in line 10, we render a graph of our function by enumerating all points of the form \(\left( \frac{r}{s}, \frac{1}{s}\right)\) for rationals \(\frac{r}{s}\) with \(\text{GCD}(r, s) = 1\).

The remaining lines serve only aesthetic purposes.