Math 207 - Introduction to Differential Equations

Differential equations are the language in which physical and natural laws are expressed. This course covers 1st and 2nd order ordinary differential equations and Laplace transforms, always centering applications to science and engineering.

I've taught this course 10 times in total, most recently during the Spring 2023 quarter.


Recorded lectures from Spring 2020 are available on the following youtube playlist:

Problem Solving

My key contribution to this course was the development of a collaborative problem solving activity.

Once a week, I'd present the class with a short word problem that's easy to state but quite difficult to solve. Then, we'd work together over the next hour to solve the problem, with the students always steering the discussion. The problems were chosen to emphasize recently-taught course concepts. However the overarching theme of these sessions is the process of modeling, which includes first making appropriate assumptions and then constructing a mathematical model to describe the situation. In this way, students can study differential equations as they actually arise, in contrast to the all-too-typical exam problem where an artificial equation is handpicked to illustrate a particular mathematical trick.

Here is a sampling of the problem prompts I've used:

In the past I've made additional resources available to other instructors who wish to implement this kind of activity. Please feel free to reach out if you are interested.


[My exam archive will be uploaded shortly]
Last updated Oct 12, 2023 by Thomas Carr (