Comments on HW 6: Exercise 1: Many students just didn't know how where to begin because they didn't know how to apply Farkas Lemma. I would suggest looking at the solutions if you were struggling on this problem. After applying Farkas Lemma, you get a nonnegative constant y_0 in your inequalities. You need to justify why setting y_0=1 is ok. Exercise 3: There were two ways to write this LP: either by translating connectivity into an LP or by translating acyclicity into an LP. For connectivity, writing "for all S a subset of V, sum_{e in E(S)} x_e = |S|-1" is not correct. For S a proper subset of V, you need this to be <= instead of =. In fact, you could have a spanning tree T such that some proper subset S of vertices has no edges between the vertices in S. Note that you can't have strict inequalities in your LP, only weak inequalities. So statements like sum_{i,j in S, {i,j} an edge} <|S| should be written as sum_{i,j in S, {i,j} an edge} <= |S|-1.