Comments on HW: Question 2 was graded fully. The other two questions were graded for completeness. 2(i): -Several students used part (ii) of Exercise 2 is to prove part (i). Remember to prove the exercises in order. You can use earlier exercises to prove later ones, but not the other way around. Otherwise, your logic that both (i) and (ii) are correct is circular. Since (i) implies (ii) and (ii) implies (i), they are equivalent statements, but even if you can prove that two statements are equivalent, doesn't mean they are both correct. -One common argument was to argue by induction that if you have a tree T on n-1 nodes, then attaching an extra node to the tree by an edge preserves the property that it has at least 2 leaves. In order to get full point, you need to first argue that every tree on n nodes can be constructed this way. Then you need to analyze all possible ways of attaching an extra node: it could either attach to a node with degree at least 2 or it could attach to a leaf, and the effect on the number of leaves is different in each case (either it goes up by one or stays the same). -Another common argument is to take a path in the tree T with maximum length and argue that both endpoints of the path are leaves. If you proceed this way, you need to use the fact that T is acyclic to argue that the endpoints are distinct and are both leaves. 2(ii): -This problem was to prove that any tree on n nodes has n-1 edges, not just spanning trees of a connected graph G. If you proceeded by induction to prove that every spanning tree of a connected graph G on n nodes has n-1 edges, you need to be careful in your inductive step. Specifically, if 1 is a node in G, then the smaller graph G' = G\{1} may not be connected. In order to apply the inductive hypothesis correctly, you would have to apply it on each connected component of G' in order to get the result that any spanning tree on G has n-1 edges. 2(iii): -There were many solutions that were suspiciously similar to a StackExchange post. -Many students obtained an inequality like sum_{v in V} deg(v) >= 3(n/2)+(n/2). In order to get full points, you need to justify this inequality.