Standards: Chapter 4 I can prove whether or not a subset W of a vector space V forms a subspace. I can determine and characterize subspaces of R^n. I have a geometric understanding of what subspaces look like in R^2 and R^3. I can write a proof showing whether a subset of vectors from a subspace forms a spanning set for the subspace (or not). I can write a proof to show whether a subset of vectors from a subspace is linearly independent (or not). I can determine whether a set of vectors forms a basis for a subspace. I can find the dimension of a subspace. I can identify a basis for R^2 and R^3 pictorally. I can find a basis for the row space, the column space, or the null space of a matrix. I can determine the rank and nullity of a matrix. Given a consistent system Ax=b, I can describe the general solution in the form x=x_p+x_h. I can find a basis for the kernel and range of a linear transformation. I can rephrase statements about a linear transformation being one-to-one or onto in terms of statements about the kernel and range.