Kernel Learning
Invariant Kernels: Rank Stabilization and Generalization Across Dimensions
(with Mateo Diaz, Dima Drusvyatskiy and Jack Kendrick), February 2025.
Graphical Designs and Graph Sparsifiers
Graphical designs and Gale duality
(with Catherine Babecki), Mathematical Programming, 200:2 (2023), 703-737.
[2] Random Walks, Equidistribution and Graphical Designs
(with Stefan Steinerberger), Advances in Applied Math., 165 (2025).
Spectrahedral Geometry of Graph Sparsifiers (with Catherine Babecki and Stefan Steinerberger),
SIAM J. Discrete Math , to appear.
Conformally rigid graphs (with Stefan Steinerberger),
J. Graph Theory, to appear.
Algebraic Methods in Computer Vision
A QCQP Approach to Triangulation (with Chris Aholt and Sameer Agarwal),
Computer Vision - ECCV 2012 ,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7572 (2012), 654-667.
A Hilbert scheme in computer vision (with Chris Aholt and Bernd Sturmfels),
Canadian Journal of Mathematics 65:5 (2013), 961-988.
The Euclidean distance degree of an algebraic variety (with
Jan Draisma, Emil Horobet, Giorgio Ottaviani and Bernd Sturmfels),
Foundations of Computational Mathematics 16:1 (2016), 99-149.
Counting real critical points of the distance to spectral matrix sets (with
Dimitriy Drusvyatskiy and Hon-Leung Lee), SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and Applications , 36:3 (2015),1360-1380.
The Euclidean distance degree of orthogonally invariant matrix varieties (with
Dimitriy Drusvyatskiy, Hon-Leung Lee and Giorgio Ottaviani),
Israel Journal of Mathematics, 221:1 (2017), 291-316.
Certifying the existence of epipolar matrices (with
Sameer Agarwal, Hon-Leung Lee and Bernd Sturmfels),
July 2014.
On the existence of epipolar matrices (with
Sameer Agarwal, Hon-Leung Lee and Bernd Sturmfels),
Int. J. Comput. Vis. 121:3 (2017), 403-415.
Ideals of the Multiview Variety,
(with Sameer Agarwal and Andrew Pryhuber)
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
43:4 (2021), 1279-1292.
On the local stability of semidefinite relaxations
(with Diego Cifuentes, Sameer Agarwal and Pablo A. Parrilo),
Mathematical Programming 193:2 (2022), 629-663.
Existence of two view chiral reconstructions
(with Andrew Pryhuber and Rainer Sinn), SIAM J. Applied Algebra and Geometry, 6:1 (2022),
The chiral domain of a camera arrangement
(with Sameer Agarwal, Andrew Pryhuber, and Rainer Sinn), J. Mathematical Imaging and Vision,
64 (2022), 948-967.
An Atlas for the Pinhole Camera
(with Sameer Agarwal, Timothy Duff and Max Lieblich), Foundations of Computational Mathematics, (2022), published online.
The geometry of rank drop in a class of face-splitting matrix products: Part I
(with Erin Connelly, Sameer Agarwal and Alperen Ergur), Advances in Geometry, 24:3 (2024), 369-394.
Two Views of P3 ISSAC '23: Proceedings of the 2023 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, Tromso, Norway,
(2023) 7-12.
The geometry of rank drop in a class of face-splitting matrix products: Part II
(with Erin Connelly and Cynthia Vinzant), Advances in Geometry, 24:3, (2024), 395-420.
A computer vision problem in flatland
(with Sameer Agarwal, Erin Connelly, Annalisa Crannell, Timothy Duff), January 2025.
Extremal Graph Theory
Symmetric sums of squares over k-subset hypercubes
(with Annie Raymond, James Saunderson and Mohit Singh),
Mathematical Programming Series A, 167:2 (2018), 315-354.
Symmetry in Turán sums of squares polynomials from flag algebras
(with Annie Raymond and Mohit Singh), Algebraic Combinatorics 1:2 (2018), 249-274.
Simple graph density inequalities with
no sum of squares proofs (with Greg Blekherman, Annie Raymond and Mohit Singh),
Combinatorica, 40:4 (2020), 455-471.
Tropicalization of graph profiles
(with Greg Blekherman, Annie Raymond and Mohit Singh), Transactions of the AMS, 375 (2022), 6281-6310.
link to article
Lifts of Convex Sets
Theta bodies for polynomial ideals (with João Gouveia and Pablo A. Parrilo),
SIAM Journal of Optimization
20:4 (2010), 2097-2118.
[2] Convex Hulls of Algebraic Sets , (with João Gouveia), chapter in the "Handbook of Semidefinite, Cone and Polynomial Optimization", International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, Vol. 166, Miguel Anjos and Jean-Bernard Lasserre (eds), Springer, 2012.
A new hierarchy of semidefinite programming relaxations for cycles in binary
matroids and cuts in graphs (with João Gouveia, Monique Laurent
and Pablo A. Parrilo), Mathematical Programming, Series A, 133:1-2 (2012), 203-225.
Lifts of convex sets and cone factorizations (with João Gouveia and Pablo A. Parrilo), Mathematics of Operations Research 38 (2013), 248-264.
Polytopes of minimum positive semidefinite rank
(with João Gouveia and Richard Robinson),
Discrete & Computational Geometry 50:3 (2013), 679-699.
Which nonnegative matrices are slack matrices? (with João Gouveia,
Roland Grappe, Volker Kaibel, Kanstanstin Pashkovich and Richard Robinson),
Linear Algebra and its Applications 439 (2013), 2921-2933.
Approximate cone factorizations and lifts of polytopes (with
João Gouveia and Pablo A. Parrilo),
Isaac Newton Institute preprint NI13069-POP,
Mathematical Programming, 151:2 (2015),
Worst-case results for positive semidefinite rank (with
João Gouveia and Richard Robinson),
Mathematical Programming Series B, 153:1 (2015) 201-212.
Positive semidefinite rank (with
Hamza Fawzi, João Gouveia, Pablo A. Parrilo and Richard Z. Robinson),
Math Programming Series B , 153:1 (2015), 133-177.
Four dimensional polytopes of minimum positive semidefinite rank, (with
João Gouveia, Kanstanstin Pashkovich and Richard Z. Robinson),
J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 145 (2017), 184--226.
Spectrahedral lifts of convex sets
Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians -- 2018 Rio de Janeiro, 3 (2018),
The slack realization space of a polytope
(with João Gouveia, Antonio Macchia and Amy Wiebe),
SIAM J. Discrete Math., 33:3, (2019) 1637-1653.
Projectively unique polytopes and
toric slack ideals (with João Gouveia, Antonio Macchia and Amy Wiebe), J. Pure and Applied Algebra, 224:5 (2020), 106-229.
Lifting for simplicity: concise descriptions of convex sets
(with Hamza Fawzi, Joao Gouveia, Pablo A. Parrilo, and James Saunderson), SIAM Review,
64:4 (2022) published online
Toric Ideals and Integer Programming
[1] An algebraic geometry
algorithm for scheduling in presence
of setups and correlated demands (with Sridhar R. Tayur and
N.R.Natraj), Mathematical Programming, 69 (1995), 369-401.
[2] Groebner bases and
triangulations of the second hypersimplex
(with Jesus de Loera and Bernd Sturmfels), Combinatorica
15 (1995), 409-424.
[3] A geometric Buchberger
algorithm for integer programming,
Mathematics of Operations Research, 20 (1995),
[4] Groebner bases in integer programming
(with Serkan Hosten),
OPTIMA Mathematical Programming Society Newsletter,
48 (1995).
[5] Test sets and inequalities for integer
programs (with Robert Weismantel)
Proceedings of the 5th International IPCO conference, Vancouver ,
LNCS 1084 (1996) 16-30.
[6] Variation of cost
functions in integer programming
(with Bernd Sturmfels), Mathematical Programming
77 (1997), 357-387.
[7] Truncated Groebner bases
for integer programming (with Robert Weismantel), Applicable
Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 8 (1997), 241-257.
[8] Applications to integer programming,
in Applications of Computational Algebraic Geometry,
D.A. Cox and B. Sturmfels eds.,
AMS Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics, 53
(1997), 119-142.
[9] Groebner bases in
integer programming,
Handbook of Combinatorial Optimization Vol. 1,
D.-Z. Du and P.M.Pardalos eds., Kluwer Acad. Publ.,
Boston, MA (1998) 533-572.
[10] Groebner bases and integer programming
(with Serkan Hosten), Groebner Bases and
Applications, B.Buchberger and F.Winkler eds.,
Cambridge University Press, London Math. Soc. Lecture Notes Series
251 (1998), 144-158.
[11] The associated primes
of initial ideals of lattice ideals (with Serkan Hosten),
Mathematical Research Letters, 6 (1999), 83-97.
[12] Standard pairs and group
relaxations in integer programming (with Serkan Hosten),
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 139
(1999), 133-157.
[13] Algebraic methods in
integer programming, Encyclopedia of
Optimization (eds: C. Floudas and P. Pardalos), Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Dordrecht, 2001
[14] Gomory Integer Programs (with
Serkan Hosten), Mathematical Programming, Series B,
96 (2003), 271 - 292.
Toric initial ideals of $\Delta$-normal configurations:
Cohen-Macaulayness and degree bounds (with Edwin O'Shea),
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 21
(2005), 247 - 268.
[16] The structure of group
Discrete Optimization (eds: K. Aardal, G. Nemhauser, R. Weismantel),
Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science,
12, Elsevier, 2005.
The circuit ideal of a vector configuration (with Tristram
Bogart and Anders Jensen), Journal of Algebra, 309:2 (2007), 518-542.
Small Chvatal rank (with Tristram Bogart and Annie Raymond),
Mathematical Programming Series B, 124:1-2 (2010), 45-68.
Toric Hilbert Schemes
[1] Combinatorics of the toric Hilbert
scheme (with Diane Maclagan), Discrete and Computational
Geometry 27 (2002), 249-264.
[2] Algorithms for the toric Hilbert
scheme (with Mike Stillman and Bernd Sturmfels), a chapter in
Computations in Algebraic Geometry with Macaulay 2 (eds:
D. Eisenbud, D. Grayson, M. Stillman and B. Sturmfels), Algorithms and
Computation in Mathematics Vol 8, Springer 2002, 179-213
The toric Hilbert scheme of a rank two lattice
is smooth and irreducible (with Diane Maclagan),
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 104:1 (2003), 29-48.
Groebner bases, Groebner fans and Tropical Varieties
[1] Computing Groebner
fans of toric ideals (with Birk Huber),
Experimental Mathematics 9 (2000)
The Hilbert zonotope and a polynomial
time algorithm for universal Groebner bases (with
Eric Babson and Shmuel Onn), Advances in Applied Math
30 (2003) 529-544.
[3] Computing tropical varieties (with Tristram Bogart, Anders Jensen,
David Speyer and Bernd Sturmfels), Journal of Symbolic
Computation, 42:1-2 (2007), 54-73.
The generic Groebner walk (with Komei Fukuda, Anders Jensen and
Niels Lauritzen), Journal of Symbolic
Computation, 43:3 (2007), 298-312.
[5] Computing Groebner fans (with Komei Fukuda and Anders
N. Jensen), Mathematics of Computation,
76 (2007), 2189-2212.
[6] Nice initial
complexes of some classical ideals (with Aldo Conca and Serkan
Hosten), Contemporary Math., 423
(2007), 11-42.
Algebraic Combinatorics and Representation Theory
Symmetric iterated Betti numbers (with Eric Babson and Isabella
Novik), Journal of Combinatorial Theory,
Series A, 105 (2004), 233 - 254.
Reverse lexicographic and lexicographic shifting (with Eric
Babson and Isabella Novik), Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics,
23:2 (2006), 107 - 123.
[3] Moduli spaces of graded representations of finite
dimensional algebras (with Eric Babson and Birge Huisgen-Zimmermann),
Contemporary Math., 419 (2006), 7-27.
Moduli of McKay quiver representations I: the coherent component
(with Alastair Craw and Diane Maclagan), Proceedings
of the London Math. Society (3), 95:1 (2007),
Moduli of McKay quiver representations II: Groebner basis techniques
(with Alastair Craw and Diane Maclagan),
Journal of Algebra, 316:2 (2007), 514-535.
Other Topics
[1] Creating weekly timetables for
maximizing employee preferences (with Caleb Z. White, Youngbae
Lee, Yoonsoo Kim and Patrick Perkins), The UMAP Journal,
25:1 (2004), 5 - 24.