UW Algebra Seminar

Speaker: Balazs Szendroi, University of Utrecht
Title: Approaches to the McKay correspondence: Motivic integration and derived categories
Date: January 6
Motivic integration has been very successful in the study of the McKay correspondence, relating invariants of a G-space M (for finite G) to invariants of a resolution Y of the quotient M/G. However, it typically proves an equality of numbers (such as Euler characteristics) without constructing a natural map between spaces (such as K-theory). Natural maps between spaces can arise from functors between categories, such as the (derived) category of sheaves. However, equivalences of derived categories are presently only known when a crepant resolution of the quotient M/G exists. I will discuss an approach that hopes to dispose of this restriction, and discuss some examples.
Speaker: Iain Gordon, University of Glasgow
Title: Symplectic reflection algebras and Hilbert schemes of points on the plane
Date: January 13
Abstract: (Joint with Toby Stafford) Symplectic reflection algebras were introduced by Etingof and Ginzburg in 2001 and have since proved useful in many different areas from integrable systems to combinatorics. After trying to motivate these algebras, I will present some work which realises them as non-commutative deformations of the Hilbert scheme of points on the plane. In particular, this gives a direct link between their representations and sheaves on the Hilbert scheme. Although this is enough to confirm some conjectures, it is not as good as it should be...

Speaker: Nikos Tziolas (Crete)
Title: Terminal 3-fold divisorial contractions with at most 1-dimensional fibers
Date: January 20
Abstract: Let X be a terminal 3-fold. I will present a classification of divisorial contractions f:Y ---> X where Y is terminal, X is Gorenstein, and f contracts an irreducible divisor onto a curve.

Speaker: Kristian Ranestad, Oslo
Title: Veronese surfaces and line arrangements
Date: January 27
Abstract: In recent work with Tom Graber, we recovered old results of Kapranov on d-uple Veronese surfaces containing the intersection points of d+3 and d+4 pairwise intersecting d-planes. In particular we obtain a new proof that the moduli of stable line arrangements of degree 5 has a compactification isomorphic to the Del Pezzo surface of degree 5. This is a special case of the compactified moduli of line arrangements studied recently by Paul Hacking.

Speaker: Nothing scheduled
Date: February 3

Speaker: Karl Schwede
Title: Glueing schemes and schemes without closed points
Date: February 10
Abstract: We will look at a fibered coproduct of ringed spaces and then inspect some special cases where this actually gives a fibered coproduct in the category of schemes. Intuitively this is gluing a collection of schemes along some collection of other schemes (possibly subschemes). We will use this in several examples and then apply the techniques to construct a scheme without closed points. We will then discuss other methods with which one can construct schemes without closed points.

Speaker: Bernd Sturmfels
Title: Positivity and Morphisms in Tropical Geometry
Date: February 17
Abstract: Tropicalization is a functor which replaces algebraic varieties with polyhedral complexes, so the tropicalization of a polynomial map F is a piecewise-linear map. In this talk we introduce the positive part of a tropical variety, and we explain the difference between the image of the tropicalization of F and the tropicalization of the image of F. This material is Section 3 in the paper "Tropical Geometry of Statistical Models" (with Lior Pachter, q-bio.QM/0311009), but I promise that this will be a pure math lecture (with no statistics or biology creeping in anywhere).
Speaker: Alistair Craw
Title: D-branes on orbifolds and the McKay correspondence
Date: February 24
Abstract: I will review the relation between moduli spaces of D-branes in orbifolds and crepant resolutions of orbifolds. I'll describe a new calculation for the simplest relevant example in dimension three, namely the orbifold C^3/(Z/3), generalising recent work by Donagi, Katz and Sharpe. I hope to make the talk accessible to both string theorists and mathematicians.

Speaker: Amnon Yekutieli
Title: Grothendieck Duality via Rigid Dualizing Complexes and Differential Graded Algebras
Date: March 2
Abstract: In this talk I will present a new approach to Grothendieck duality on schemes. Our approach is based on two main ideas: rigid dualizing complexes and perverse coherent sheaves. We obtain most of the important features of Grothendieck duality, including explicit formulas, yet manage to avoid lengthy and difficult compatibility verifications. Our results apply to finite type schemes over a regular noetherian base ring, and hence are suitable for arithmetic geometry. I will only discuss the algebraic part of the construction. The highlight of the talk will be the role of differential graded algebras in the arithmetic situation. This is joint work with James Zhang (Univ. of Washington).

Speaker: Michael Van Opstall
Title: Stable degenerations of symmetric squares of curves
Date: March 9
Abstract: In order to produce a compact moduli space for algebraic surfaces, one must allow some fairly singular varieties into the moduli problem. However, the minimal model program tells us exactly which varieties to allow in order to get a separated and compact moduli space. The MMP allows us to compute replacements for surfaces occuring in families which are not ``stable''. Given a degeneration of a smooth curve to a stable curve, one can take the symmetric fibered square to obtain a degeneration of the (smooth) symmetric square of the curve to a very unpleasant surface. I show how the first step towards stablizing this family replaces the bad surface with a Hilbert scheme parameterizing length 2 subschemes (such a subscheme is either a tangent vector or an unordered pair of points). Finally, a condition for stability of this Hilbert scheme is given in terms of the geometry of the original stable curve.

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