UW Algebra Seminar
Speaker: Monty McGovern, University of Washington
Annihilators and associated varieties
of Harish-Chandra modules
Date: January 21, 2003
Simple Harish-Chandra modules over complex semisimple Lie
algebras are typically realized as subquotients of much larger
which tend to obscure their basic properties. In this talk I will
how to compute three basic invariants attached to a Harish-Chandra
over a classical group via combinatorial algorithms. The results
will be
incomplete but suggestive.
Speaker: Christopher Hacon, University of Utah
Title: Characterization of Abelian Varieties
Date: January 28, 2003
In this talk we will illustrate the following results
conjectured by Kollar:
Theorem 1: Let X be a smooth complex projective variety
with P_2(X)=1. Then X maps surjectively
to its Albanese variety (which is a complex projective torus
of dimension h^0(\Omega ^1_X)).
In particular dim(X)+1 > h^0(\Omega ^1_X).
Theorem 2: Let X be a smooth complex projective variety
with P_2(X)=1 and dim(X)=h^0(\Omega ^1_X). Then X
is birationally equivalent to a complex torus.
(Both theorems are joint work with A. J. Chen)
Speaker: Sandor Kovacs, University of Washington
Birational classification of algebraic varieties
Date: February 4, 2003
In this talk I will review the current state of birational
classification of varieties. One of the central notions
discussed is 'Kodaira dimension'. I will also talk about
Iitaka fibration and how it allows us to concentrate on
varieties whose Kodaira dimension is either negative, 0, or
equal to their (usual) dimension. Finally, time permitting,
will discuss a few classes with negative Kodaira dimension.
An alternative title of the talk is '1954, 1970, 1990'. The
audience is invited to solve the implicit riddle in this
Speaker: Sandor Kovacs, University of Washington
Dubbies or no Dubbies?
Date: February 11, 2003
This is a report on recent joint work with Stefan Kebekus.
The main topic is the quest to find an answer to the
'How far are minimal degree rational curves from being a
I will also mention how this question relates to the
classification question discussed in the previous talk.
Speaker: Srikanth Iyengar, MSRI
The Gorenstein dimension of modules over local homomorphisms
Date: February 18, 2003
I will present some aspects of a theory of
Gorenstein dimension for modules (over commutative local rings)
that are finite via some local homomorphism, being developed by
Sather-Wagstaff and myself. Our motive for setting up this
has been to prove certain results concerning the Frobenius
of commutative local rings. I hope to discuss these as well.
Speaker: Kristin Lauter, Microsoft
Complex multiplication methods for generating curves over finite fields
Date: February 25, 2003
Speaker: Balazs Szendroi, Utrecht University
Families of derived equivalences in mirror symmetry
Date: March 4, 2003
Kontsevich' Homological Mirror Symmetry Conjecture predicts the existence
of interesting equivalences of derived categories of coherent sheaves in
families of varieties with trivial canonical bundle. The talk explores
some interesting examples of such families, and some related conjectures.
Speaker: Michael Van Opstall, University of Washington
Moduli of Algebraic Varieties
Date: March 11, 2003
After completing the program of finding good representatives
of birational equivalence classes of algebraic varieties, we collect
related varieties together into families. Moduli spaces are algebraic
varieties whose points parameterize varieties with certain properties,
and whose subvarieties correspond to families of varieties. The study of
families of varieties is then equivalent to the study of the geometry of
their moduli spaces.
For algebraic curves, the moduli theory is well developed and many
interesting geometric results are known. Some results have been obtained
for surfaces, but they are primarily discouraging (the moduli spaces are
disconnected, some of their connected components are reducible, and some
of their irreducible components are non-reduced). I will outline the
theory for curves and surfaces and use deformation theory and results for
curves to prove new results for surfaces.
Date: March 18, 2003
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