UW Algebra Seminar

Speaker: Greg Landweber, University of Oregon
Title: Off-shell supersymmetry and filtered Clifford supermodules
Date: March 28
Abstract: An off-shell representation of supersymmetry is a representation of the super Poincare algebra on a dynamically unconstrained space of fields. We describe such representations formally, in terms of the fields and their spacetime derivatives, and we interpret the physical concept of engineering dimension as an integral grading. We prove that formal graded off-shell representations of one-dimensional N-extended supersymmetry, i.e., the super Poincare algebra p^{1|N}, correspond to filtered Clifford supermodules over Cl(N). We also prove that formal graded off-shell representations of two-dimensional (p,q)-supersymmetry, i.e., the super Poincare algebra p^{1,1|p,q}, correspond to bifiltered Clifford supermodules over Cl(p+q). Our primary tools are the formal deformations of filtered superalgebras and supermodules, which give a one-to-one correspondence between filtered spaces and graded spaces with even degree-shifting injections. This generalizes the machinery developed by Gerstenhaber to prove that every filtered algebra is a deformation of its associated graded algebra. Our treatment extends Gerstenhaber's discussion to the case of filtrations which are compatible with a supersymmetric structure, as well as to filtered modules in addition to filtered algebras. We also describe the analogous constructions for bifiltrations and bigradings.

Speaker: No seminar---Milliman Lectures
Date: April 4

Speaker: Arkady Berenstein, University of Oregon
Title: Braided symmetric and exterior algebras
Date: April 11
Abstract: A classical problem of Representation Theory (coming back to Frobenius and Schur) reads: decompose symmetric and exterior powers of a simple G-module (where G is a complex reductive groups) into simple G-modules. The problem is exceptionally hard and the complete answer is unknown even for G=GL_2, the group of invertible 2x2 matrices. One of the goals of my talk (based on a joint paper with Sebastian Zwicknagl and his follow-up research) is to propose a right setup in which the problem can be solved. This setup includes new quantum objects -- braided symmetric and exterior algebras, which we associate to each finite-dimensional G-module and which share many properties of their classical counterparts. One of the most fundamental properties of these braided algebras is the associated (super) Poisson structure. One can ask if this Poisson structure can be lifted to the ordinary symmetric and exterior algebra of a given G-module. I will conclude the talk with Sebastian's beautiful classification of those G-modules for which the answer to the latter question is affirmative.

Speaker: Jintai Ding, University of Cincinatti
Title: The Zhuang-Zi algorithm : A new algorithm for solving multivariate polynomial equations over a finite field
Date: Monday April 17 --- Unusual day!
Abstract: The Zhuang-Zi algorithm is a new method of solving multivariate polynomial equations over a finite field proposed recently. This work grows out of recent development in the area of multivariate public key cryptosystems, where one uses a set of multivariate polynomials over a finite field as a public key. The theoretical foundation of this family of cryptosystems is the proven theorem that solving a set of multivariate polynomial equations over a finite field is, in general, an NP-hard problem. The basic idea of the Zhuang-Zi algorithm is very much inspired by the ideas of Matsumoto, Imai, Patarin, Shamir, and etc in multivariate public key cryptosystems, where one identifies a vector space over a finite field as a large field. In this talk, we will show how the Zhuang-Zi algorithm can be used to solve a set of equations, and present some examples that could not previously be solved with all other known algorithms but the Zhuang-Zi algorithm could.

Date: April 18

Speaker: Eva Feichtner, University of Stuttgart
Title: Tropical Discriminants
Date: April 25
Abstract: We use tropical geometry to take a fresh look at the theory of A-discriminants of Gelfand, Kapranov and Zelevinsky. We show that the tropical A-discriminant is the Minkowski sum of the row space of A and the Bergman fan of the kernel of A. Moreover, the tropical A-discriminant allows for an interpretation as a certain set of regular polyhedral subdivisions of A. We obtain a positive formula for the extreme monomials of any A-discriminant, and we give a combinatorial characterization of Delta-equivalence for regular triangulations of A. This is joint work with Alicia Dickenstein and Bernd Sturmfels.

Speaker: Matt Ballard, University of Washington
Title: A Case of Homological Mirror Symmetry for (local) 3-folds
Date: May 2
Abstract: Kontsevich's Homological Mirror Symmetry conjecture relates two seemingly disparate constructs - coherent sheaves on algebraic varieties and Lagrangian submanifolds in symplectic manifolds. Each construct naturally gives rise to a differential-graded algebra (A_{\infty}-algebra if you prefer) and the HMS conjecture states, under suitable assumptions, that these dg-algebras are quasi-isomorphic. We will first investigate the Fano version of the conjecture in the case of the projective lane P^2 where many of the technical issues can be

Speaker: Matt Ballard, University of Washington
Title: A Case of Homological Mirror Symmetry for (local) 3-folds: Part II
Date: May 9
Abstract: I will outline Kontsevich's conjecture in the case of Calabi-Yau manifolds. There are two ways to obtain a Calabi-Yau from $\mathbb{P}^2$: taking an anti-canonical hypersurface or taking the total space of the anti-canonical bundle. The first case corresponds to compactifying the affine symplectic mirror of $\mathbb{P}^2$ while the second corresponds to stabilizing W. After outlining why the first case (in general) is difficult, we will discuss how to verify homological mirror symmetry in the second case.

Speaker: Keir Lockridge, University of Washington
Title: A derived-categorical characterization of global dimension
Date: May 16
Abstract: In 1966, Peter Freyd conjectured that the sphere generates (in the sense of category theory) the finite part of the stable category of spectra. This conjecture, known as the generating hypothesis, is a central open question in stable homotopy theory. In this talk, we will introduce GH in its original setting and discuss its generalization to arbitrary triangulated categories. We will then focus our attention on D(R) (the derived category of right R-modules) and show that the global dimension of R is n if and only if a global analog of GH holds in D(R).

Speaker: Izuru Mori , SUNY (Brockport)
Title: Symmetry in the Vanishing of Ext-groups
Date: Monday May 22---Unusual Day
Abstract: In this talk, we will find a class of rings R satisfying the following property: for every pair of finitely generated right R-modules M and N, Ext ^i_R(M, N)=0 for all i>>0 if and only if Ext _R^i(N, M)=0 for all i>> 0. In particular, we will show that such a class of rings includes a group algebra of a finite group and the exterior algebra of odd degree.

Date: May 23

Speaker: Paul Hacking, Yale University and University of Washington
Title: Moduli spaces of del Pezzo surfaces
Date: May 30
Abstract: A del Pezzo surface is a smooth surface such that the dual of the canonical line bundle is ample. We describe nice compactifications of the moduli spaces of del Pezzo surfaces using ideas from both the minimal model program and tropical geometry. These spaces are exceptional analogues of the Deligne--Mumford compactifications of moduli of pointed curves of genus zero associated to the exceptional root systems. Joint work with Sean Keel and Jenia Tevelev.

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