UW Algebra Seminar

Speaker: J.M. Bois, Universite de Reims
Title: Higher level transcendence degree of division rings
Date: April 5
Abstract: Let A be an associative algebra. For all positive integers q, Petrogradsky defines a dimension of level q of A, denoted Dim_q(A), generalising Gelfand-Kirillov dimension (q=2). Using these we define a transcendence degree of level q for A, denoted Tdeg_q(A), generalising the Gelfand-Kirillov transcendence degree. We will survey the basic properties of Tdeg_q. We proceed to show: if U is the enveloping algebra of a Lie algebra and has a quotient ring Frac(U), then Tdeg_q Frac(U) = Dim_q U. This is done using the natural Poisson structure on the associated graded algebra of U (with respect to the canonical filtration).

Speaker: Jenia Tevelev, University of Texas, Austin
Title: Tropical Compactifications
Date: April 12
Abstract: Many interesting varieties arising in algebraic geometry are not compact. I will describe a new method for compactifying varieties that generalizes the construction of a toric variety in the following way. Compactifications of an algebraic torus correspond to complete fans. Similarly, our compactifications correspond to polyhedral structures on the non-archemedean amoeba of a non-compact variety. I will also explain how these compactifications relate to known compactifications such as log canonical models, Chow quotients, etc in a few understood cases such as complements to hyperplane arrangements and moduli spaces of hyperplane arrangements.

Speaker: Sasha Polishchuk, University of Oregon
Title: Tautological cycles on Jacobians
Date: May 3
Abstract: In this talk I will describe an action of a certain large Lie algebra on the Chow group of the Jacobian J of a curve. Using this action one can get a number of interesting relations between "tautological classes" on J (associated with the curve embedded into J).

Speaker: Sandor Kovacs, University of Washington
Title: Families of varieties of general type: the Shafarevich conjecture and related problems
Date: May 17
Abstract: At the 1962 ICM Shafarevich announced a conjecture regarding finiteness properties of families of smooth projective curves. It was confirmed in the geometric case by Parshin (1968) and Arakelov (1971), and in the arithmetic case by Faltings (1983). This conjecture is related to many other problems, perhaps the most famous one is the Mordell conjecture: by a very nice argument, now know as "Parshin's covering trick" the Mordell conjecture follows from the Shafarevich conjecture. In recent years many results have been obtained with regard to higher dimensional generalizations of Shafarevich's conjecture in the geometric case. In this talk I will review the original conjecture, it's possible generalizations, and the current knowledge in the field.

Speaker: Sangjib Kim, Yale University
Title: Standard monomial theory for flag algebras
Date: May 31
Abstract: Let G be the general linear group or the symplectic group over the complex number field, and U be its maximal unipotent subgroup. We study standard monomial theory of the ring of regular functions on G/U, called the flag algebra, using the philosophy of Groebner bases and SAGBI bases combined with classical invariant theory. We describe the flag algebra in terms of Gelfand-Tsetlin patterns. In particular, we show that the flag algebra is a flat deformation of a toric variety.

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