UW Algebra Seminar

Speaker: Gordon Heier, University of Michigan and Bochum University
Title: An effective uniform bound for the Shafarevich Conjecture over function fields
Date: October 4
The Shafarevich Conjecture over function fields (now Theorem of Parshin-Arakelov) asserts the finiteness of isomorphism classes of families of compact hyperbolic curves over a compact curve with prescribed degeneracy locus. After giving some motivation from the related case of effective finiteness theorems for maps between compact hyperbolic manifolds, we will discuss how to obtain an effective solution to the Shafarevich Conjecture.
On Wednesday October 5 Heier will speak in the DG/PDE seminar (Algebraic methods in the theory of finite type domains) and that talk might be of interest to algebraic geometers.
Speaker: Wee Liang Gan, MIT
Title: Harish-Chandra homomorphisms and symplectic reflection algebras for wreath-products
Date: October 11
Abstract: I will speak on a current project with Etingof, Ginzburg and Oblomkov in which we constructed analogues of Harish-Chandra homomorphism for invariant differential operators on the space of representations of certain quivers. This gives a quantum Hamiltonian reduction description of the spherical subalgebras of symplectic reflection algebras for wreath-product groups. As an application, we constructed shift functors for the symplectic reflection algebras.

Speaker: Conan Leung, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Title: Gromov-Witten invariants of K3 surfaces
Date: October 18 --- 2:30 in LOW 216
Abstract: This is a joint seminar with DG/PDE. It will be at 2:30 in LOW 216.

Speaker: Konstanze Rietsch, King's College, London, and University of Waterloo
Title: Mirror families for flag varieties G/P and the Peterson variety
Date: October 25
Abstract: We give a Lie-theoretic construction of a conjectural mirror family in the sense of Givental to a general flag variety G/P, and show that this mirror family recovers the Peterson variety presentation for the quantum cohomology rings qH*(G/P)_{(q)}.

Speaker: Max Lieblich, Princeton University
Title: A geometric approach to period-index problems
Date: November 1
Abstract: The Brauer group is a fundamental invariant with deep roots in both algebra and geometry. It simultaneously captures information about the arithmetic of fields and the transcendental cohomology of algebraic varieties (even over finite base fields!). A particular algebraic problem -- first described by Brauer -- is to relate the two numbers one can attach to any Brauer class: the period and the index. I will describe this classical problem in detail in the case of function fields and discuss a way of approaching it in this case which makes use of modern geometric methods (algebraic stacks, rationally connected varieties, moduli spaces of vector bundles, etc.). These techniques have yielded some positive results to date and seem to be potentially useful for the future.

Speaker: Alexei Oblomokov, IAS
Title: Generalized double affine Hecke algebras of higher rank.
Date: November 8
Abstract: We define generalized double affine Hecke algebras (GDAHA) of higher rank, attached to a non-Dynkin star-like graph D. This generalizes GDAHA of rank 1 defined earlier by Etingof, Oblomkov and Rains. If the graph is extended D_4, then GDAHA is the algebra defined by Sahi, which is a generalization of the Cherednik algebra of type BC_n. We prove the formal PBW theorem for GDAHA, and parametrize its irreducible representations in the case when D is affine (i.e. extended D_4, E_6, E_7, E_8) and q=1. We formulate a series of conjectures regarding algebraic properties of GDAHA. We expect that, similarly to how GDAHA of rank 1 provide quantizations of del Pezzo surfaces, GDAHA of higher rank provide quantizations of deformations of Hilbert schemes of these surfaces. The proofs are based on the study of the rational version of GDAHA and differential equations of Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov type. The talk is based on the joint paper with Etingof and Gan.

Speaker: Jason Bell, Simon Fraser University
Title: Critical density vs. density in projective varieties
Date: November 15
Abstract: An infinite subset of a projective variety X is critically dense if it has finite intersection with every proper closed subvariety of X. We consider subsets of X of the form {s^n(x) | n\in Z} where s \in Aut(X). Rogalski has conjectured that for a variety over a field of characteristic 0, such a set is critically dense if and only if it is Zariski dense. We look at recent progress on this conjecture, including its solution in the case that X is a projective surface. We also look at what can be said when X is a projective variety over a field of positive characteristic.

Date: November 22

Speaker: Julia Pevtsova, University of Washington
Title: Representations and cohomology of finite group schemes I
Date: November 29
Abstract: In his seminal papers of 1976, Quillen introduced the study of cohomology and geometry arising from it as a tool to obtain intrinsic information about finite groups. The most celebrated result is "Quillen stratification theorem" which allows to stratify the variety defined by the cohomology ring of a finite group $G$ in terms of the varieties associated to elementary abelian subgroups of $G$. A numerical corollary of Quillen's theorem is that the Krull dimension of $H^*(G,k)$ for a finite group $G$ equals the ``elementary abelian rank" of $G$. Quillen's geometric methods were further applied to the study of $G$-modules leading to the development of rank and support varieties and the connection between the two. A parallel theory was subsequently developed by Friedlander and Parshall in the context of p-restricted Lie algebras where the geometry turned out to be surprisingly different and rather more complicated. Nonetheless, it is possible to construct a uniform general theory for all finite group schemes - of which finite groups and restricted Lie algebras are particular examples - bringing together cohomology and representation theory in one coherent geometric picture. The theory is partially based on the "Detection of cohomology elements modulo nilpotents for finite group schemes" theorem of Suslin which, in turn, is built upon the original result of Quillen for finite groups.

Speaker: Julia Pevtsova, University of Washington
Title: Representations and cohomology of finite group schemes II
Date: December 6
Abstract: Having tied cohomology and representation theory together in the first lecture, I will mention some applications to the structure of the stable module category of a finite group scheme and then use the developed geometry to part from cohomology and go into more representation theoretic direction. I will introduce new numerical and geometric invariants associated to a finite dimensional representation which can be viewed as generalizations of ``support varieties", and state some open questions. Parts of the talk will be based on a joint work with Eric Friedlander and Andrei Suslin.

Speaker: Karl Schwede, University of Washington
Title: On F-injective and Du Bois singularities
Date: December 13
Abstract: For the last 25 years people have been aware of relationships between singularities defined by the action of Frobenius and singularities related to the minimal model program. With the definition of tight closure for ideals in characteristic p in the late 1980s, a dictionary between the two classes of singularities began to be seriously established. By the mid 1990's, a relationship was proved between F-regular, F-rational and F-pure singularities with log terminal, rational, and log canonical singularities respectively. I will talk about research further extending this dictionary to F-injective and Du Bois singularities.

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