UW Algebra Seminar
Sunil Chebolu, University of Washington
Wide subcategories over noetherian regular rings.
October 5
A wide subcategory of modules is an abelian subcategory that is closed
extensions. When R is a regular coherent ring, wide subcategories of
presented R-modules have been classified by Mark Hovey. (The lattice of
subcategories is isomorphic to the lattice of certain specialisation closed
subsets of Spec(R).) I will use this isomorphism to prove a Krull-Schmidt
theorem for wide subcategories. This gives us two interesting corollaries:
The first one is an application to K-theory and the second can be regarded
a structure theorem for finitely generated modules over a noetherian
James Zhang, University of Washington
Homological transcendence degree
October 12
Let D be a division algebra over a base field k. The
homological transcendence degree of D, denoted by Htr(D),
is defined to be the injective dimension of the enveloping algebra
of D (i.e., the tensor product over k of D with its opposite).
We show that Htr has several useful
properties which the classical transcendence degree has. We
extend some results of Resco, Rosenberg, Schofield and Stafford,
and compute Htr for several classes of division algebras. The
main tool for the computation is Van den Bergh's rigid dualizing
This is joint work with Amnon Yekutieli.
Murray Elder, University of St. Andrews
A context-free and a counter language of geodesics for Baumslag-Solitar
October 19
In this talk I will describe a language of geodesic normal forms for the
Baumslag-Solitar group BS(1,2) with its standard generating set, and show
that the language is accepted by a one-counter automaton. It follows that
the language is both context-free and "counter". I will discuss these
formal language classes and prove some interesting results about how they
are interrelated.
The work uses a lot of geometric and combinatorial arguments, and the
talk should accessible to anyone who knows the definition of a group.
Peter Trapa, University of Utah
Shimura correspondences for split real groups
October 26
About 30 years ago, Shimura showed that one could learn
something about automorphic forms for SL(2,R) by studying the nonalgebraic
metaplectic double cover Mp(2,R). Stripped of any arithmetic content, the
relevant representation theoretic statement amounts to the observations
that the metaplectic complementary series of Mp(2,R) is "half" the length
of the spherical complementary series of SL(2,R). I'll explain the
precise meaning of this statement and show how it generalizes to other
split real groups. This is joint work with Adams, Barbasch, Paul, and
Matthew Kerr, University of Chicago
0-cycles and higher Abel-Jacobi Maps
November 2
One of the central results in 19th-century algebraic geometry is
Abel's theorem, which in part shows how certain transcendental integrals
behave as (complete) invariants of rational equivalence classes of
0-cycles (or sums of points) on a curve. In the last half-century there
has been substantial effort to understand what happens in higher
(co)dimension (e.g., points on a surface), with fruits such as the
introduction of Chow groups (of cycles modulo rational equivalence),
Griffiths's Abel-Jacobi map and Mumford's theorem, along with relations to
web geometry and iterated integrals.
More recently, however, there have been the conjectures of Bloch and
Beilinson and the work they have inspired -- various attempts to construct
(a) the motivic filtration they predict on Chow groups, and (b) invariants
to detect cycles in the graded pieces. Two parallel theories have sprung
up: an arithmetic approach represented by Raskind's work on l-adic higher
Abel-Jacobi mappings; and a Hodge-theoretic one introduced in work of M.
Saito, Griffiths, Green, and Lewis.
We will attempt a very brief review of selected parts of this history, and
discuss some of our own recent results on invariants (and new 0-cycles
rationally inequivalent to 0) that arise out of the Hodge-theoretic
approach, especially for 0-cycles on products of curves.
Alex Wolfe, University of Michigan
Volumes of Line Bundles on Algebraic Varieties
November 9
We describe an invariant for line bundles L on an algebraic
variety X, the volume, that that is closely related to the Riemann-Roch
problem. It descends to a continuous function on real homology classes of
divisors on X, and a natural question is to compute what the function is
and see what it tells us about X. We will give some answers to such
questions for projective bundles.
November 16
Paul Hacking, Yale and MSRI
Conic bundles and noncommutative geometry
November 23
A conic bundle is a 3-fold fibred over a surface with general fibre a
smooth rational curve. These varieties occupy an important position in the
classification of 3-folds as described by Mori's minimal model program
(MMP). We show how a version of the MMP for noncommutative surfaces allows
the construction of particularly simple birational models of conic
bundles, verifying a conjecture of Corti. Along the way we give a explicit
description of the noncommutative singularities which arise. These
singularities have many nice properties, for example, they are
simultaneously Clifford algebras and quotients of Azumaya algebras.
This is joint work with Daniel Chan and Colin Ingalls.
Jim Carrell, University of British Columbia
Vector Fields and Equivariant Cohomology
November 30
An old result of myself and David Lieberman that says that the cohomology
algebra of a smooth complex projective variety admitting holomorphic
vector field V with zeroes is the associated graded of a certain filtered
ring defined on the zeroes of V. Often, this ring is the cohomology ring
of the zero set itself. Until recently, there hasn't been an honest
geometric proof. I plan to review this result and discuss how equivariant
cohomology fills in the gap.
Joost Slingerland, Microsoft
Quantum group symmetry breaking and confinement in planar physics
December 7
I give a short introduction to the way in which quantum groups
(quasitriangular Hopf algebras) may appear in the description of
symmetries in planar physics, followed by a discussion of the breaking
quantum group symmetries. The quantum group symmetry breaking formalism
which I will describe generalises the usual description of the breaking
symmetries described by groups. The quantum group is broken down to a
certain Hopf subalgebra, which may subsequently be projected onto a Hopf
quotient. I apply the general theory to gauge theories in which the
group is broken down to a finite group. These theories enjoy a quantum
group symmetry which includes the gauge symmetry. The various ways of
breaking this symmetry lead to phases of the theory which have different
spectra of confined and non-confined particles.
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