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Ryan Card
University of Washington (math)
"Using Network Amalagamation and Separation to Solve the Inverse Problem" (ps, pdf, tex)
[editor's note: this paper is worth looking at! Not only is it extremely interesting, but there is lots of good matlab code and the graphics are done in LaTeX]

Joseph Corneli
University of South Florida
University of Texas (math)
"An extension of the class of recoverable resistor networks" (ps, pdf, tex)

Ernie Esser
University of Washington
University of California at Los Angeles (math)
"On Solving the Inverse Conductivity Problem for Annular Networks" (ps, pdf, tex)

Brandon Muranaka
University of California at Davis
University of Hawaii
See Card for papers

Richard Oberlin
Florida State University
University of Wisconsin at Madison (math)
"Notes on Schrodinger and conductivity networks with Tower of Hanoi graphs" (ps, pdf, tex)
"Discrete inverse problems for Schrodinger and resistor networks" (ps, pdf, tex)

Jeffrey Parks
Pomona College
"Large Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors for the Layered Square Lattice Networks" (ps, pdf, tex)

Justin Sinz
Cornell University
University of Chicago
"Use of Grobner Bases to Prove Nonrecoverability of Networks in Special Cases" (abstract, scanned pdf)

Kimberly Spayd
Notre Dame University
University of North Carolina (stat)
"Permuted Boundary Nodes of Circular Planar Networks" (scanned pdf)