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James Bisgard
University of Washington
University of Wisconsin at Madison (math)
"Finding Broken Resistors in a Network" (scanned pdf)

Benjamin Blander
University of Chicago
"Tilings" (ps, pdf, tex)

Ryan Daileda
University of Redlands
University of California, Los Angeles
University of California at Los Angeles
See Bisgard for papers

Darren Lo
University of Michigan
University of Wisconsin at Madison (math)
See Blander for papers

Sreekar Shastry
Rutgers University
University of Michigan (math)
"A Computer Algorithm for Finding the Dual of a Polar Network" (ps, pdf, tex)

Spencer Shepard
Duke University
University of North Carolina (cs)
"Recovering the Conductivity of a Resistor Network from the Dirichlet-to-Neumann Map when there is a limited set of possible Resistors" (ps, pdf, tex)

Chris Staskewicz
University of California at Santa Cruz
University of Utah (math)
"Recovering the Geometry of Circular Planar Resistor Networks from Boundary Measurements" (ps, pdf, tex, scanned pdf) (the scanned image is correct; the other files were converted from a mathematica notebook and are broken)

Ryan Yamachika
University of Washington
University of California at Berkeley (physics)
See Bisgard for papers