Mathematics 403A        Winter 2005

Integer-valued rational polynomials

Which polynomials f(x) in Q[x] have the property that f(n) is an integer for all integers n?

  1. For each non-negative integer j, define pj(x) in Q[x] by
    pj(x) =  x (x-1) (x-2) ... (x-j+1)

    (When j=0, p0(x) = 1.) Show that any polynomial in Q[x] can be written as a rational linear combination of the polynomials pj(x).

  2. Let I be this set of rational polynomials:
    I = {f(x) in Q[x]  : f(n) is in Z for all n in Z }.
    Show that f(x) is in I if and only if f(x) is an integer linear combination of the polynomials pj(x). [Hint: if f(x) is in I, evaluate f(x) at the integers 0, 1, ... k.]

(This is from D'Angelo and West, Mathematical Thinking, 2nd edition, problem 5.65.)

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On 7 Feb 2005, 13:26.

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