- Due Wednesday, April 7:
- Section 15.1: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (recall theorem
1 in section 12.1), 19 (assume that f is
nonconstant), 25
- Due Wednesday, April 14:
- Section 15.2: 4, 8, 19, 23 (you may use the results
from problem 2 in any of these).
- The following is sometimes called the Nullstellensatz:
Let k be a field. If F is a field extension of k and F is
finitely generated as a k-algebra, then F is a finite
extension of k.
Show that this is equivalent to the weak Nullstellensatz.
- Due Wednesday, April 21:
- Section 15.2: 45. (There are a few typos: the ideal
A should be defined to be the radical of
(F). In part (b), instead of letting
In be the ideal of all functions
vanishing for x < n, it should
perhaps be those which vanish when x <
1/n. Finally, part (f) should say: prove that
there exists a prime ideal Q which contains
(F) and is properly contained in P.)
- Section 15.3: 15, 16 (you may use problem 18 from
Section 15.2 without proof).
- A problem from the 1997 prelim: find all of the maximal
ideals of R[x,y] (where
R is the real numbers). For any
maximal ideal m in R[x,y], find
polynomials f and g so that
m=(f,g). (There are several
ways to do this: you can imitate the proof from class of
the weak form of the Nullstellensatz, or you can use the
equivalent formulation of the Nullstellensatz that I gave
on last week's homework.)
- Due Wednesday, April 28:
- Section 15.4: 10, 19 (you may use any earlier
problems, like 18, or 26 in section 15.1), 21, 22, 23, 24
- Due Wednesday, May 5:
- Section 17.1: 4, 9, 11 (you may use problem 10 if you
want; note that the "canonical projection maps" should
have codomain I/Ii,
not Ii), 19, 21.
- Due Wednesday, May 12:
- Section 17.1: 26
- Find a ring R and a finitely generated
R-module that is not finitely presented.
- Let k be a field, m > 1 an
integer, and R =
Since k is isomorphic to R/(x),
k has an R-module structure (on which
x acts trivially).
Compute ExtRs
(k, k) for all non-negative s.
- With the same setup as in the previous problem, fix an
integer i with 0 < i < m+1
and compute ExtRs
(k, R/(xi))
for all non-negative s.
- (Similarly, it is not hard to compute ExtRs
(R/(xi), R/(xj))
for all i and j. One can use the
classification of finitely generated modules over a PID to
show that in this situation, every finitely generated
R-module is a direct sum of modules of the form
R/(xi), and thus you
could use problem 10 in Section 17.1 to compute
ExtRs (M,
N) for all finitely generated M and
N and all s.)
- Due Wednesday, May 19:
- Section 17.2: 8, 18, 19
- Let k be a field, let p be a prime,
and let G be a cyclic group of order p.
Show that the group algebra kG is isomorphic to
k[x] / (xp
- 1).
- With the same notation, show that if the characteristic
of k is p, then kG is
isomorphic to k[y] /
(yp), and use last week's
homework to compute H*(G,
k), where k is the trivial module.
- With the same notation, show that if the characteristic
of k is not p, then the trivial module
k is projective as a kG-module, and use
this to compute H*(G,
- Due Wednesday, May 26:
- Section 18.1: 1, 2, 3, 15, 16, 17, 20 (13 and 14 are
also important)
- No homework due Wednesday, June 2.
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John Palmieri Padelford C-538 (206) 543-1785
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