Lecture time and place: MWF 2:30, CHL 105
Instructor: John Palmieri
Padelford C-538, 543-1785
E-mail: palmieri@math.washington.edu
Office hours: by appointment
Web: http://www.math.washington.edu/~palmieri/Math583/
Text: Some of the time, I'll use A User's Guide to Spectral Sequences, 2nd edition, by John McCleary. See also errata on McCleary's web page.
We'll be using original sources, as well, such as Leray's seminal papers [2], Serre's paper [5] on his spectral sequence, and Novikov's work [4] on the generalized Adams spectral sequence. Hopf [1] is another important paper.
Homework: There will be problem sets, roughly every two weeks. You may work with other people on the homework. If you find a solution in a book, please provide a reference.
Final exam: This course will have a final exam, Tuesday, June 11, 2:30-4:20, place TBA (probably CHL 105). Alternatively, you can prepare a final project for the course. This would include a written portion (5-10 pages) plus a class presentation; the ideal topic would be a spectral sequence that we aren't covering in the course. Talk to me if you're interested in this option, and we can hash out the details.
Plan for the course: We'll start with basics of spectral sequences: the spectral sequence arising from a filtered complex, the spectral sequence arising from a double complex, and exact couples. We'll certainly discuss the Bockstein spectral sequence and the Serre spectral sequence. Other potential topics include the Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence, the composite functor spectral sequence, and Boardman's work on convergence. I hope that at the end of the course, we'll study the Adams spectral sequence.