Answers to sample midterms

These are the answers to the sample midterms for Math 124. These are just the answers (not carefully worked-out solutions), which we've posted to help your studying. On the exam, you will have to show your work. I hope these are all correct, but I wouldn't be surprised if I'd made a few mistakes. If you find anything wrong, please let me know.

Notation: "sqrt" means the square root function. "pi" means the number pi, 3.1416...

Collingwood, Spring 2001

Click here for the sample midterm (PDF format).
  1. (a) 18x2 + 2     (b) (-5t2+2t + 5) e5t / (1-t2)2     (c) 2x cos(2x3 - ln(x)) + (6x4 -x) sin(2x3 - ln(x))
  2. (a) false     (b) false     (c) true
  3. (a) -9 pi sin (3 pi t) - 27 pi sin (3 pi t) cos (3 pi t) (16 - sin2(3 pi t))-1/2
    (b) x'(ln(t+1)) / (t+1). It would probably be a good idea to also plug in x' from part (a), to get
    [-9 pi sin (3 pi ln(t+1)) - 27 pi sin (3 pi ln(t+1)) cos (3 pi ln(t+1)) (16 - sin2(3 pi ln(t+1))-1/2]/(t+1)
  4. (a) (3x2 - 2x3)/y     (b) (3/2, 3 sqrt(3)/4) and (3/2, -3 sqrt(3)/4)     (c) (0,0) and (2,0)
  5. I'm going to use the character ø instead of theta for this problem, since I don't know how to make a good theta in a web page. I'll also write y for the y-coordinate of the point P.
    (a) One possible answer is: ø' = cos2(ø) y'/50.     (b) t = 10 pi/3, y = 50 sqrt(3).
    (c) When ø = pi/6, ø' = 3/20. When ø = pi/4, ø' = 1/10. So ø' is visibly not constant.

Zhang, Spring 2001

Click here for the sample midterm (PDF format).
  1. (a) 1/2     (b) 1
  2. (a) ½ x-1/2 esqrt(x) cos (esqrt(x))     (b) (ln t)-2 - 2(ln t)-3
  3. y = 5x - 5
  4. 1
  5. There are various ways to write the answer. One is y' = (-y xy-1 + 2y2 cos x) / (xy ln x - 4y sin x). Another way to write it is y' = (cot x - y/x) / (ln x - 2/y).

Perkins, Winter 2001

Click here for the sample midterm (PDF format).
  1. (a) 3e3x / (1+e6x)     (b) ((3+x4) 2 sec(2x) tan(2x) - 4x3 sec(2x)) / (3+x4)2     (c) (ln t)sin t [cos t ln (ln t) + sin t / (t ln t)]
  2. y = -x + 2
  3. (a) t=0 and t=2     (b) when t=0, the velocity is 1 ft/sec; when t=2, the velocity is -1 ft/sec.
  4. decreasing at 12/sqrt(10) ft/sec
  5. 1/3 - 1/2700 (but I haven't covered tangent line approximations yet--they come after the midterm, at least for Sections E and G)
  6. -4 pi

Leveque, Winter 2001

Click here for the sample midterm (PDF format).
  1. (a) (-15/4) sin(3x) (cos (3x))1/4     (b) (30x2 - 10x + 42) e6x / (7+5x2)2     (c) tan(x) + ln(x) tan(x) + x ln(x) sec2(x)
  2. 5/2 cot(5 x) + 1/2 tan(x)
  3. (This is just like computing the derivative of arctan, which is done in Section 3.6 in the book.)
  4. 20 ft/sec
  5. (a) f'(t) is given by:
            1       if 0 < t < 2
            1       if t = 2
            5-2t    if 2 < t < 3
            0       if 3 < t < infinity
    The domain of f'(t) is: all positive numbers except t=3 (that is, (0,3) union (3,infinity)).
    (c) f''(t) is given by
            0       if 0 < t < 2
            -2      if 2 < t < 3
            0       if 3 < t < infinity
    Its domain is: all positive numbers except t=2 and t=3.

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