Math 124, Sections E and G: notes on the chain rule

I want to point out several common applications of the chain rule. The first is in Section 3.5 of the book, the boxed formula labeled "The Power Rule Combined with the Chain Rule": if u=g(x) is a function of x, then you can compute the derivative of the nth power of u. The result is (with three different notations)

The chain rule also gets combined with the exponential function frequently:

For example, in class on Monday, we needed to compute the derivative of the function e-x3 + 2x2 - x+ 6. In words, the answer is this exponential function multiplied by the derivative of the exponent. In symbols, this is (-3x2 + 4x - 1) e-x3 + 2x2 - x+ 6.

The quotient rule: If you have problems remembering the quotient rule, or if you want to know how to derive it, use the chain rule and the product rule: since , then when you take the derivative, you get:

Now if you put everything over a common denominator, you get the quotient rule.

For example, if you want to compute the derivative of , you can either use the quotient rule (with f(x) = 1, g(x) = x2 + 2) or rewrite the original function as , and then use the power rule combined with the chain rule. Using this second method, the answer is


Of course, you'll get the same answer using the quotient rule; the point is, you can choose which method to use. Some people (some mathematicians, even) never memorize the quotient rule; they just use the combination of the product rule, chain rule, and power rule instead.

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