Problems for Mathematics 600B
Spring 2000

Chapter 9: if you can get at least through Section 5 or 6, that would be good. You can skip Section 3 if you want.

Chapter 9.
§1 1, 2, 4, 10
§2 4 (you may use problem 2), 8
§3 1, 2 (this section is optional)
§4 2, 3, 4, 6
§5 2, one of (4, 6, 8), 11, 12, 13
§6 3, 5, 8, 9
§7 1, some of 7, 9
§8 2, 6, 7
§9 2
§10 (this section is optional)
Misc 2, 4

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Last modified: Mon Apr 29 12:03:58 PDT 2002