Chapter 3.
Let's start with the notion of a field. When you row reduce a
matrix, or invert a matrix, or solve a system of linear equations, you
need to perform the following operations: addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division. A field is defined precisely to make
this possible, so a field is a set F with two operations, addition
and multiplication, satisfying various properties (addition makes Finto an abelian group with identity element 0, multiplication makes
into an abelian group with identity element
1, and addition and multiplication are related to each other by the
distributive law). You know several examples: the real numbers
the complex numbers
C, and the rational numbers
Q. Another
important example is the set of congruence classes of integers modulo
a prime number p, written as
Z/ p Z, or to emphasize that it's
a field, as
Given a field F (and if you want, just take F=R or F=C), a vector space over F is a set V together with two operations: addition (also known as ``vector addition''; this makes V into an abelian group), and scalar multiplication. These have to satisfy the axioms listed in Definition 2.11. (See also Definition 1.6 for the special case when F= R.) Standard example: Rn, the length n column vectors with real entries, is a vector space over R. (More generally, for any field F, Fn is a vector space over F.) Any line through the origin or plane through the origin in R3 is a vector space, and is a subspace of R3. The complex plane C can be viewed as a vector space over C, over R, or over Q, just by restricting which sorts of numbers you allow for scalar multiplication.
Now fix a field F and a vector space V over F. The elements of
V are called vectors, of course, and the elements of F are
called scalars. If v1, ..., vn are vectors in V,
then a linear combination of these vectors is any vector of the
A basis for a vector space V is a set of linearly independent
vectors in V which also spans V. For some computations, it is
useful to pay attention to the order of elements in a basis, so a
basis is actually an ordered set of linearly independent
vectors which span the space. For example, the following are
(different) bases for
(Standard notation: if you list elements in curly braces - - that means a set. If you list them in parentheses - (x,y) -
that means an ordered set. So the sets
equal, while the ordered sets (x,y) and (y,x) are different.)
Proposition 3.8 is important: a set
is a basis if and only if every vector
can be
written as a linear combination of the vi's, in a unique way.
On to a discussion of dimension: first, a vector space V is finite-dimensional if there is a finite set of vectors which spans it. (E.g., I gave several different finite sets which span R3.) Assume that V is finite-dimensional; then Proposition 3.17 says that any two bases for V have the same number of elements, so define the dimension of V to be the number of vectors in any basis. (E.g., the dimension of R3 is 3.)
Given a vector space V and a basis
any vector
can be written in exactly one way as a
linear combination
Suppose we are working with the vector space
Rn of
n-dimensional column vectors with real entries. The standard
basis for
Rn is
More generally, given two different bases for a vector space V, it is important to be able to convert between one and the other. See pages 97-99 for a discussion of this.
(I'm not going to discuss the material in Sections 3.5 and 3.6 now, but I'll ask you to read them eventually.)
Chapter 4.
Given two vector spaces V and W over a field F, a linear
transformation from V to W is a function
Notice that if we ignore scalar multiplication, then any linear
transformation T is a group homomorphism, so we can define the
kernel and image of T. The kernel is also called the
null space. One important formula is given in Theorem 1.6: for
any linear transformation
As it stands, linear transformations are somewhat abstract, while
matrix multiplication is much more concrete. We can remedy this (and
I don't mean by making matrix multiplication more abstract). First we
have to choose a basis
of Vand a basis
of W. Then for
each j, T(vj) is in W, so can be written uniquely as a linear
combination of the elements of
Here's a good example to work out: let Pn be the vector space of
all real polynomials of degree at most n, with basis
Then the derivative D is a linear transformation
from Pn to itself. Find the matrix for D with respect to this
Another example of a linear transformation: let T be rotation of
R3 by angle
around the line through the origin
determined by the vector
I could work out the matrix for this with respect
to the standard basis, but things will be nicer if I use v as, say,
the first element of the basis. Since the linear transformation sends
v to itself, then the matrix will look like
If you change bases in either V or W or both, you get a new matrix for the linear transformation T; how a matrix is transformed when you change bases is discussed on pages 113-115. See Proposition 2.9, in particular.
If V is a vector space, then a linear operator on V is a linear transformation from V to itself. In this case, when computing a matrix for V, you usually pick the same basis for V in its role as domain and in its role as range. Proposition 3.5 says this: if A is the matrix for T with respect to some basis, then when you change bases, you get matrices of this form: PAP-1, where P is in GLn(F). Definition: two matrices A and A'are similar if A' = PAP-1 for some invertible P.
Invariant subspaces, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors are used to study
linear operators on a vector space V. A subspace W of V is
invariant under T if
for all
example, if
is rotation about the
z-axis by angle
then the xy-plane is an invariant
subspace: given any vector v in the xy-plane, then T(v) is also
in the xy-plane. The z-axis is another invariant subspace.
An eigenvector for T is a nonzero vector v so that Tv is
a scalar multiple of v: Tv = cv for some .
The scalar
c is the eigenvalue associated to the eigenvector v.
Corollaries 3.10, 3.11, and 3.12 are all important.
To find eigenvectors and eigenvalues, rewrite the equation Tv = cvas Tv = cIv, where I is the
identity matrix, and then
rewrite this as
cIv - Tv = 0, or
(cI-T)v = 0. So a nonzero vector
v is an eigenvector of T, with eigenvalue c, if v is in the
kernel of cI-T. A matrix (or linear operator) has nonzero vectors
in its kernel if and only if its determinant is zero, in which case
it's called singular. So c is an eigenvalue for T if and
only if the linear operator cI-T is singular, which is true if and
only if
So, let T be a linear operator with matrix A, let t be a
variable, and define the characteristic polynomial of T to be
The eigenvalues of T are the roots of this
degree n polynomial.
(This means that they are the roots of the polynomial that exist in
the field F. So if we decide to work with the field
Q of
rational numbers, then the matrix
which has characteristic polynomial
p(t) = t2 -
2, has no eigenvalues. It has two eigenvalues,
if we are working over the field
Corollary 4.14 and Proposition 4.18 are useful.
If T is a linear operator on a vector space V, it is useful to know whether T is similar to an upper triangular matrix or to a diagonal matrix. The characteristic polynomial is important here; see Corollary 6.2 and Theorem 6.4 for the main results.
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