Let A be a real
matrix. Prove that the following are
SOLUTION. I'll start by showing (i)
(ii). Let v1, v2, ..., vn denote the columns of A.
The (i,j)-entry of AtA is the dot product of the ith row of
At with the jth column of A. Of course, the ith row of
At is the same as the ith column of A, so the (i,j)-entry
of At A is
At A = I if
and only if
Now I'll show (i)
Finally, I'll show (iii)
(ii). Given (iii), I know
Aei and Aej are the ith and jth columns of A,
respectively. Since the vectors e1, ..., en are
orthonormal, then so are the vectors
Ae1 = v1, ...,
= vn.
2. Draw a wallpaper pattern with a cyclic group for its point group; draw a wallpaper pattern with a dihedral group for its point group.
SOLUTION. See page 173 for lots of examples. The cyclic group pictures don't have any reflections; the dihedral group pictures will have reflections.
Let G be a group, S a G-set, x an element of S. Recall that
the orbit of x, Ox, is this subset of S:
SOLUTION. To show that
is well-defined, I have to show
that if
aGx = bGx, then
I have to show that ax = bx. Well,
aGx = bGx if and only if
in which case
(b-1a) x = x. ``Multiply''
both sides by b: ax = bx, as desired.
Running this argument backwards shows that if
aGx = bGx:
is one-to-one.
Finally, I have to show that
is onto. Given
then y=gx for some
3(b). Let p be a prime number. Recall that a p-group is a group which has order pn for some n. Prove that the center of a p-group has order larger than 1.
SOLUTION. Let G be a p-group, and consider the class
equation for G:
Let V be a finite-dimensional real vector space and let
be a symmetric positive definite bilinear form on
V. For any subspace W of V, let
be the orthogonal
complement of W:
SOLUTION. Assume that
then w is orthogonal to everything in W; in
Since the form is positive
definite, though,
is positive for any nonzero vector
w; thus w must be zero. So the only vector in both W and
is the zero vector.
Every vector
can be written in the form v = w + u where
[Hint: choose an orthonormal basis for
SOLUTION. Let w1, ..., wr be an orthonormal basis
for W. (I mean orthonormal with respect to the form
I know that there is an orthonormal basis since
the form is positive definite--use the Gram-Schmidt procedure, for
instance.) I want to write
In other words, for any ,
Let A be a real symmetric
matrix. We know that there
is an invertible matrix Q so that QAQt is diagonal, such that
each diagonal entry is either 1, -1, or 0. Recall that in this
situation, the signature of A is the pair of numbers (p,m),
where p is the number of 1's on the diagonal of QAQt, and mis the number of -1's. Show that p is equal to the number of
positive eigenvalues of A and m is equal to the number of negative
eigenvalues. [Hint: use the spectral theorem.]
SOLUTION. By the spectral theorem, there is an orthogonal
matrix P so that
PAPt = PAP-1 is diagonal, with the
eigenvalues as the diagonal entries. Let
be the eigenvalues. Define a matrix C as
follows: C is diagonal, and the (i,i)-entry is
Let U(n) be the set of complex
unitary matrices. Show
that the product of two unitary matrices is unitary, and the inverse
of a unitary matrix is unitary; in other words, show that U(n) is a
subgroup of
SOLUTION. Recall that a matrix A is unitary if and only if AA* = I. If A and B are unitary, then (AB)(AB)* = ABB*A* = A(BB*)A* = A(I)A* = I, so AB is unitary. If A is unitary, then A is invertible with A-1 = A*; I need to check that A* is unitary: A*(A*)* = A*A. We know from last quarter that if C and D are square matrices with CD = I, then DC=I; thus A*A=I, as desired.
Let A be a real symmetric matrix, and define a bilinear form
Rn by
course, there is also the ordinary dot product
True or false: If A is a real symmetric matrix, then the
eigenvectors for A are orthogonal with respect to both the ordinary
dot product
and the bilinear form
Give a proof or a counterexample.
SOLUTION. This is true. The spectral theorem says that the
eigenvectors are orthogonal with respect to the ordinary dot product.
Now assume that X and Y are eigenvectors, with
8. Describe the Gram-Schmidt procedure.
SOLUTION. This is a procedure for constructing orthonormal bases, given a symmetric positive definite bilinear form on a finite-dimensional real vector space V. More precisely, you start with any basis for V, and the Gram-Schmidt procedure tells you how to alter it, inductively, to get an orthonormal basis.
Even more precisely, suppose V is a vector space with bilinear form
satisfying the conditions above. Let
be a basis for V. To construct an orthonormal basis
first normalize v1: let
Suppose now that we've constructed mutually orthogonal unit vectors
w1, ..., wk-1 out of the vi's. Define a vector was follows:
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