Dr. Jonah Ostroff
email: ostroff [at] uw [dot] edu
Office: Padelford C-548
Math 120:
Thursdays, 1–3 PM
General purpose:
Wednesdays, 2:00–3:45 PM
Section A:
Anderson 223
MWF, 11:30 AM –12:20 PM
Section B:
Anderson 223
MWF, 12:30 PM – 1:20 PM
Sections AA & AB:
Sean Griffin
Sections AC & AD:
Amy Wiebe
Sections BA & BB:
Kevin Lui
Sections BC & BD:
Charles Godfrey
Midterm 1: Jan. 28 (in quiz section)
Midterm 2: Feb. 25 (in quiz section)
Final exam: March 12, 5 PM – 7:50 PM
March 4: Here's a list of topics for the final exam. Also, if you're practicing exams from the archive (which you should be doing!), you might find this forum post useful.
February 26: Here are the solutions to yesterday's midterm. (As usual, there were multiple versions.)
February 19: Hi again! Midterm next week. As usual, you should:
• Familiarize yourself with this list of topics.
• Try some midterms from the exam archive, perhaps consulting this forum post.
• Practice the DFEPs.
• Come to a review session next Wednesday (Feb. 24), 3–5 PM in ARC 147.
January 28: Here are the solutions to today's midterm. (There were multiple versions, so yours may have been a little different.)
January 26: I will be holding a review session tomorrow (Wednesday) in Oceanography 014 from 3 PM to 5 PM.
January 22: Hey, there's a midterm next week! You should:
• Check out this list of topics and equations.
• Try some midterms from the exam archive, perhaps consulting this forum post.
• Practice the DFEPs.
• Come to a review session next week, date and location TBA.
January 8:
Still trying to register for Math 120? Here are the first four homework
assignments, so you can work on them while waiting for WebAssign
access. (When you do finally register, your numbers and answers will be
slightly different.)
Chapter 1 (Due Tuesday 1/12)
Chapter 2 (Due Tuesday 1/12)
Chapter 3 (Due Thursday 1/14)
Chapter 4 (Due Tuesday 1/19)
January 5: I've added an approximate calendar for the quarter. It might be off by a day or two at times, especially closer to the end of the quarter.
January 3: Hey,
welcome to Math 120. You should get yourself
acquainted with the class discussion forum and WebAssign, which are
both linked on the right. Also see if you can access the lecture notes
on Google Drive, once they're posted.
discussion forum
(login required)
Syllabus: Section A, Section B
(via WebAssign)
Lecture notes (via Google Drive):