Mathematics Content
Collaboration Communities
(application form links at bottom of this page)
Date: May 25, 2008
To: Mathematics Teachers and Administrators
From: Dr. James King, University of Washington
Dr. Michael Gilbert, University of Hawaii
Re: MSP Professional Development Project: The Mathematics Content Collaboration Communities (MC3)
We are pleased to invite you to join MC3, a State-wide mathematics partnership of classroom teachers and university faculty working together to create and deliver quality professional development. Our focus for the 2008 summer session is to begin to develop a cadre of Teacher-Leaders who will explore the mathematics needed to increase student learning. Our sessions will combine reflection on the ÒBig IdeasÓ of high school mathematics with a coordinated focus on rich mathematics tasks and how good tasks can be both interesting and enhance student learning. Project materials can be immediately implemented in the classroom and are not tied to a specific curriculum.
The MC3 project is a partnership between classroom teachers, the University of Hawai«i, the University of Washington, Eastern Washington University, and The Evergreen State College.
The following set of questions guide our work together:
Project Timeline and Components
Our work together begins with a Summer Workshop on Rich Mathematics Problems for High School Teachers:
When: August 6 – 8, 2008.
Where: Sessions are held on the University of Washington campus, Hansee Hall.
What: Teachers will strengthen their pedagogical content knowledge by working on rich math tasks during the three-day summer workshop. The workshop will focus on the mathematical content knowledge needed to teach and will concentrate on effective instructional strategies, rather than simply what a teacher knows about mathematics.
á Each teacher will receive a $150/day stipend for participating in the three-day workshop.
á For those of you traveling from out of the area, the project will arrange for lodging and meals.
Pending continuing funding, our long-term goal is to further develop a cadre of teacher-leaders who will work with university partners to advance the work of the project.
We are excited about the possibility of creating a sustainable program that will result in lasting partnerships across the State of Washington. We do hope you will join us in this effort!
For questions or comments, please contact Jim King, University of Washington Mathematics Department,, or Mike Gilbert, University of Hawai«i Curriculum Research and Development Group, at 808.956.4990 or by E-mail at
Mike Gilbert