Program Schedule
8:30-9:00 Registration, Pastries and Social Time
9:00--12:00: Morning Session
12:00 - 1:00 Lunch*
1:00 - 4:00 Afternoon Session
Morning Session: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Using Scenes From Nature to Model Functions
Teri Hulbert, Ocosta HS & Art Mabbott, Bear Creek Learning Center
Bring your Nspire (or use one of ours) as we navigate our way through some scenes from Arches National Park.
Teaching Paper Folding to Seattle Elementary School Students
Robert Orndorff, Origami author and Designer
This program is now eight years old and incorporates math, science and engineering, with a specific focus on interest, confidence and ability. I work with the same 3 classes for the entire academic year, meeting once per week with each class. Hear how the program works, what we have learned, and why it has been popular.
Have Fun in Math Class? Why, yes, I'd love to! Here's why.
Wendy Robards, Evergreen MS
Think you don't have time for fun? Find out why designing novelty and fun into your lessons can increase learning. Get and share ideas for fun in your classroom while using your regular curriculum and meeting CCSS.
LUNCH (12:00 – 1:00)
Afternoon Session: 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
iPad Apps to Liven Up Your Classroom
Christy Frary & Art Mabbott, Bear Creek Learning Center
Technology can help foster reasoning, sense making, and motivating students. Come learn how to use free iPad apps to supplement instruction and mathematical understanding. If you have an iPad or an iPhone, bring it. Also, bring your favorite Apps to share!
How Transformations Help Us Think About Geometry
Jim King, UW Mathematics
More than a century ago, breakthrough insights by Felix Klein and others brought transformations to the center of how mathematicians think about geometry. It is timely to think why transformations are important and what they contribute to our understanding. Consider examples illustrating some key ideas, their relations to traditional approaches to geometry, and their use in modern applications.
Link to NWMC talks
Math Scandals and Scalawags
Joe Frost, UW Medical Centers, Retired
Mathematicians are people, too. Hear some of the stories they didn't tell in school about mathematicians and their exploits. Did Cardano's gambling make him an astute mathematician, or was it his mathematics that made him such a gambler? Should l'Hospital's Rule really be called l'Hospital's Ruse? Who was the woman Galois fought over? |