Program Schedule
Program: 9:00 to 4:00
8:45 Registration
- Multiply the Fun Factor!
- Can You See 3/5ths?
- Cutting Up Polygons
12:00-1:00 Lunch*
1:00 - 4:00
- Achieving the Unachievable: the Dvd
- Using Fathom Software to Make Connections
Local Hosts: Art Mabbott, Joyce Frost
9:00 - 10:00 am
Multiply the Fun Factor! Traci Ostrick, Elementary Math Facilitator, Everett Public Schools
Are you looking for ways to help children quickly recall multiplication facts? Why not try playing a game? We'll play games that will be engaging for students as they work on fact fluency.
Link to Materials List
10:00 - 10:50 am
Can You See 3/5ths? - Looking Deeply at Simple Ideas Art Mabbott, High School Math Coach, Seattle Public Schools
Explore elementary computational ideas from a perspective rarely seen by secondary teachers.
10:50 - 11:00 am : Break
11:00 - 12:00 pm
Cutting Up Polygons: What's the Angle? Jim King, Math Professor, University of Washington
This will be a scissors-on activity to discover angle relationships in regular polygons and circles.
Link to Handout
12:00 - 1:00 pm Lunch (Art will have suggestions of local places)
1:00 - 2:00 pm
Achieving the Unachievable: the Dvd (hosted by Joyce Frost, math coach and Professional Development Specialist, Lake Washington School District)
In 1956 Dutch artist M. C. Escher challenged the laws of perspective with Print Gallery and found himself trapped behind an impossible barrier. Half a century later, mathematician Hendrik Lenstra took everyone by surprise by drawing a fantastic bridge between the intuition of the artist and his own, shattering the Infinity Barrier!
Video Info
2:00 - 4:00 pm
Using Fathom Software to Make Connections: Shaun Monaghan, Professional Development Specialist, Lake Washington School District
Some of the new State Math Standards, such as Algebra Standard A1.6.C, are not supported by many current Algebra textbooks. Using activities and technology software, make the connection and discover a powerful tool for formative assessment.
2:00 - 2:30 pm: Algebra Activity
2:30 - 2:45 pm: Break (and move to computer lab)
2:45 - 4:00 pm: Same activity using Fathom Software in the Computer Lab