Local Host: Art Mabbott
Michael Naylor (WWU) -- Irrational Rectangles
"Rectangles are boring"? No way! Meet some rectangles with
personality, and marvel at their quirks.
John Lee (UW) - "Modern Geometry and the Shape of the
Starting from plane geometry, we follow the simple idea of curvature
as it applies to plane curves, surfaces in space, "hypersurfaces"
in higher-dimensional spaces, and the shape of the universe. At the
end of the talk, we'll explore some of the research questions currently
being studied by geometers and physicists.
A link to more about this topic:
Joyce Frost (Lake Washington HS) - Fractal Problem and Lesson
At the Park City Mathematics Institute in 2003, the working group
in Lesson Study spent two weeks developing a lesson based on a fractal
popup. Learn about the lesson and how to make the fractal, but also
hear about the story of one case of lesson study in the Japanese style.
Jim King (UW) - Exploring Math History with Geometer's Sketchpad
A number of new books and resources have been recently published for
for using math history in the school math classroom. Using these as
inspiration, we will use Geometer's Sketchpad to explore several math
history topics -- from algebra, geometry and other areas. This will
be a hands-on lab activity. No prior knowledge of Sketchpad is needed
(but Sketchpad experts will be provided with some optional extra suggestions).
Will Webber (Whatcom CC) - The On-line Graphing Calculator
Have you ever had a student ask "how do I get the calculator
to graph the line x = 4?" Or what about the graph of x^2 +y^2 =
25? Well, now there is a place to graph anything you want. Points, functions,
equations, polar graphs, parametric functions, complex functions, vector
fields, 2D, 3D, in color and animated. If you can dream it we can graph
it. How much does this amazing graphing calculator cost? It's free to
anyone with an internet connection.