Local Host: Rod Roberts
Getting to Know Gnomons: Karen Hall
We'll examine the construction and applications of spiral growth from
the viewpoint of gnomons. A gnomon (pronounced know-man) to figure A
is a connected figure which when suitably attached to A produces a new
figure which is similar to A. Applications will include the golden triangle
and golden rectangle
Exploring mathematics with Geometer's Sketchpad: Art Mabbott
We will use the power of Geometer's Sketchpad to explore spiral growth
and use scripts to repeat the growth pattern more times than we are
willing to draw by hand.
Law of Large Numbers: Carol Hattan
Probability simulation at your table - what do you see? Then what
happens when we do it 2000 times. See how Fathom helps with this task.
Arches: Carol Hattan
What does Chinese food have to do with Roman Arches? - hands on study
of the keystone arches.