9:05-10:00 Taxi Cab Geometry introduction -- Art and Kris
10:05-11:00 Pattern Blocks, areas and perimeters -- Ronda
11:05-12:00 TI-92 activity -- Duane Olson
12:05-1:00 Reflecta view activity (Miras) -- Mr. Robinson
1:00-2:00 Lunch Time
2:00 Shopping Tour
Directions to Jackson High School
(Jackson H. S. is part of the Everett School District but located in Mill
Go north on I-5 to 128th.
Turn right at the light. Go on east on 128th to the 2nd light (right by
the Park and Ride).
Turn right onto Dumas Road. Follow Dumas through the next light.
Dumas becomes 136th and Jackson is approx. 1 block east of the light
and on the right.
Turn right and then take the first left. Parking is all along the north
side of the building.
Entry will a little tricky since they tell me that we are to keep the
building locked when in our meeting. I am thinking we should be
able to let people in by the east door where the stairs are by
propping open my door (rm. C235) which is the 2nd door on the