Math 464A, Numerical Analysis, Fall, 1998

This is the Math 464A homepage. Consult it from time to time to find useful information for the course. I will include links to the syllabus and other course information.

Here is a copy of current course information.

  1. (10/2/98) The room for the quiz section has been changed to BLM 305.
  2. (10/1/98) Sam's office hours will be Monday 10:30 - 11:20 and Wednesday after 16:00 - 17:00.
  3. (9/28/98) Sam Adli's office is Padelford C414
  4. (9/24/98 Syllabus (html)
  5. (8/25/98) Syllabus(dvi)
  6. (8/25/98) Computer Projects(dvi)
  7. (8/25/98)The Engineering Library Copy Center sells a copy of the Matlab Primer. You will probably find it an adequate introduction for this course.
  8. (8/25/98) Numerical Recipes . This is a source book for numerical recipes. Many of them can be easily changed into Matlab functions.
  9. (8/25/98) Pete Stewart has made his Afternotes on Numerical Analysis available for public perusal.
  10. (8/25/98) You may use the matlab functions for norms in your computer projects.
  11. (8/25/98) If you want to write a matlab routine that takes a function as an argument, you include in the argument list a variable that represents the function name. When you call the function, you should supply the name of the function inside quote marks. For example:
    function  y=newt(f,df,x,n)
    % newton's method newt(f,df,x,n)
    % x is the initial guess; n is the number of iterations
    % files f.m and df.m contain the function and its derivatives
    % the function and derivative names f and df must be supplied in
    % quotes, i.e. a call would be of the form, newt('sin', 'cos', .2, 4).
    Your program will need to use feval to evaluate the functions.