Math 335, Accelerated (Honors) Advanced Calculus, Winter, 2006

This is the Math 335 homepage. Consult it from time to time to find useful information for the course. I will include links to the syllabus and other course information.

The following are links to current course information.

  1. (3/09/06) The review session will be in Padelford, C-36, from 2:00-4:00 pm Sunday, March 12.
  2. (3/08/09) Sample problems for the final.
  3. (3/3/06) Here is a summary of interesting facts about sine series.
  4. (3/3/06) Trigonometric Series by A. Zygmund and Fourier Analysis by T. Korner are superb references. Zygmund's book is a nearly complete reference for theoretical results. Korner's book has a broad collection of uses of Fourier analysis. Korner's book would be a good place to start to find material for your term paper for 336. It is readable and written for students that are at your level.
  5. (3/1/06) The homework from section 8.5 will be postponed to next week (March 10).
  6. (2/27/06) The article on differential equations had some misprints. I hope I have corrected them.
  7. (2/25/06) The midterm will not have any material from Chapter 8 (Fourier series).
  8. (2/24/06) The review session will be at 1:00 pm Sunday, in Padelford, C36.
  9. (2/23/06) Discard the earlier version of the problem set. A new version will appear today.
  10. (2/22/06) Sample problems for the second midterm.
  11. (2/21/06) Here is the exposition of Linear Constant Coefficient Homogeneous ODEs
  12. (2/06/06) I may have misprinted an inequality last week. |sin x|>= sin 2 x so the divergence of sum (sin 2 nx)/n implies the divergence of the sum |sin nx|/n.
  13. (2/03/06) The two books I mentioned are Inequalities, by G. H. Hardy, J. E. Littlewood,and G. Pólya, and Pi And The AGM : A Study In Analytic Number Theory And Computational Complexity by Jonathan M. Borwein and Peter B. Borwein
  14. (2/206) Mathematical Contest in Modeling
  15. (1/27/06) There is an error on sample problem #9. I'll correct it this afternoon. (2:25 pm -- it's now corrected)
  16. (1/26/06) Nick will hold the review session on Sunday at 2:00 pm in Padelford C36.
  17. (1/25/06) Sample problems for the first midterm.
  18. (1/18/06) Many of you should be interested in our REU program. Here is the link to the website. I will be pestering you to apply.
  19. (1/17/06) The mathday website is Mathday.
  20. (1/11/06) Nick's lecture on topology.
  21. (1/11/06) The Banach-Tarski paradox, a phenomenom similar to the existence of Sam's non-measurable set.
  22. (1/10/06) Nick's office hours will be Tuesday at 11:30am and Thursday at 3:30pm in Padelford C115.
  23. (1/05/06) Sam Coskey's homepage, where you can find a very good exposition of the axioms of set theory.
  24. (1/05/06) Ming found an error in the answer to problem 2b in section 5.8. The answer should be (xz2/2, -xyz-z2/2-x2/2, 0)+grad(f)
  25. (1/05/06) Sam Coskey (334 class of 2000) will be giving the first annual alumni lecture in class on Tuesday, January 10. He is a grad student at Rugers and is studying Borel sets and descriptive set theory. He will talk about "Bad Sets".
  26. (1/04/06) For problem number 3 in section 5.8, assume that Laplacian(f)=div(H) has a solution. You don't need to justify this.
  27. (1/03/06) Nick's office hours this week:11:30 Tuesday, 2:00 on Thursday
  28. (1/03/06) Slava's theorem
  29. (1/02/06)On the Convergence of Fourier Series is an article with an alternate (and pretty) discussion of some of the results we will discuss.
  30. (1/02/06) The sculptor Helaman Ferguson has a variety of interesting mathematical sculptures. The MIT CS Professor Erik Demaine has a link to some of his origami patterns.
  31. (1/02/06) William Stein's Elementary Number Theory, which includes an excellent chapter on continued fractions. He would like to hear from you if you have any feedback.
  32. (1/02/06) An article on Fourier Series of Polygons
  33. (1/02/06) The AMS has two popular links, Math in the Media and a monthly Feature Column.
  34. (1/02/06) An article on Cantor's ternary function. It gives a brief introduction to some ideas of measure theory.
  35. (1/02/06) Rearranging Conditionally Convergent Series
  36. (1/02/06) The issues of the Notices of the AMS, Part I and Part II that have an abbreviated biography of Alexander Grothendieck. (Apparently he never used the spelling Alexandre.)
  37. (1/01/06)It is easy to determine whether a given integer is prime is an exposition of an amazing result proved by some undergraduates in 2002.
  38. (1/01/06) Creating More Convergent Series, an article about rearranging terms in a series.
  39. (1/01/06) An article about four color problem.
  40. (1/01/06) An interesting article on gravity.
  41. (1/01/06) Why Did George Green Write His Essay of 1828 on Electricity and Magnetism is an article that gives a history of Green's essay. This article says that he was motivated by Poisson's equation. It seems that Poisson must have had a primitive version of the divergence theorem.
  42. (1/01/06) A link to the 1854 Smith Prize Exam that Stokes wrote. It can be found in the Michigan online library. Go to that link and type in Stokes in the search field. The Smith Exams are in the last volume. Apparently William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) stated the result to Stokes in a letter in 1850. James Clerk Maxwell won the Smith Prize in 1854 and Stokes himself won it in 1841.
  43. (1/01/06) Jerome Keisler's book, Elementary Calculus gives a treatment of calculus using infinitesimals.
  44. (1/01/06) Make sure you check Jerry Folland's website for misprints.
  45. (1/01/06) Syllabus(pdf)