Math 335, Accelerated (Honors) Advanced Calculus, Winter, 2004

This is the Math 335 homepage. Consult it from time to time to find useful information for the course. I will include links to the syllabus and other course information.

The following are links to current course information.

  1. (3/17/04) Homework grades. If there are any errors, please let me know.
  2. (3/9/04) Sample problems for the final exam.
  3. (3/1/04) An interesting article on hyperbolic functions
  4. (2/26/04) The homework for section 8.5 will be deferred to March 12.
  5. (2/25/04) Sample problems for the second midterm.
  6. (2/4/04) Casey will only hold one office hour on Thursday, February 5. I will hold an extra office hour at 4:30 on Friday, February 6, in Padelford C401.
  7. (2/2/04) Sample problems for the first midterm.
  8. (1/28/04) Creating More Convergent Series, an article about rearranging terms in a series.
  9. (1/27/04) An article about four color problem.
  10. (1/23/04) An interesting article on gravity.
  11. (1/22/04) Why Did George Green Write His Essay of 1828 on Electricity and Magnetism is an article that gives a history of Green's essay. This article says that he was motivated by Poisson's equation. It seems that Poisson must have had a primitive version of the divergence theorem.
  12. (1/12/04) There is an error on the homework list. Remove section 4.5 and replace it with section 4.7, problems 3 and 4.
  13. (1/09/04) I found a link to the Smith Prize Exam that Stokes wrote. It can be found in the Michigan online library. Go to that link and type in Stokes in the search field. The Smith Exams are in the last volume. I found that James Clerk Maxwell won the Smith Prize in 1854 and that Stokes himself won it in 1841.
  14. (1/7/04) Make sure you check Jerry Folland's website for misprints. In particular exercise 7, p. 257 and theorem 5.65.
  15. (1/2/04) Syllabus(pdf)