New Graduate Student TA TRAINING – September 2024 - Department of Mathematics, University of Washington


September 18


September 19


September 20


September 23

Block 1





Julie: PDL C401

Junaid: PDL C38

Andrew: CMU 230

Jack: CMU 326


Grading Workshop

CMU 120



First Day of Class

CMU230, CMU326


Webassign training

on Zoom

Zoom Link

Block 2

Nuts and Bolts of Teaching at UW

Ferpa Training

CMU 120



on Campus, mentees meet mentors in their rooms

(see “Microteaching”)


Teaching issues/Professionalism

CMU 230/326




12:00 – 1:00

Free time for lunch

Block 3

Union Presentation

CMU 230



Grace: PDL C401

Tracy: PDL C38

Clare: CMU 236

Yirong: CMU 230


Grading Workshop

CMU 120


Parallel Session



Block 4

Group Work

CMU 230


Exchange Contact Info


Social Event

CMU 120

Joined by Mathematics Graduate Admissions Committee, Instructors, TA Coordinators


Optional Social Event

Prof Sara Billey offered to lead a group to the UW waterfront.  Go to the math lounge after training to meet Sara, those interested can rent canoes.







·       We are all together at the Math Study Center, Communications B014 on Wednesday. On Thursday and Friday there are parallel sessions. Everyone will be with their mentor groups.

·       There are also the following events for the incoming MATH Graduate Students. AMATH students do not attend these.

§  Tuesday, September 17th, Math Department Orientation

§  Tuesday, September 24th, Experienced Student Panel 3:30-5:00pm, Padelford C-38

§  Tuesday, September 24th, UW Math Welcome Back Party 11:30-3:00, Ba Bar U Village (2685 NE 46th St #2503)